[AISWorld] CFP - Special Issue on Software Engineering for Connected Health

Noel Carroll noel.carroll at lero.ie
Tue Sep 20 10:40:23 EDT 2016

CFP - Special Issue on Software Engineering for Connected Health

Guest Co-Editors:

Dr. Noel Carroll, ARCH - Applied Research for Connected Health Technology Centre, University of Limerick (noel.carroll at lero.ie <mailto:noel.carroll at lero.ie>)

Prof. Craig Kuziemsky, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa (kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca <mailto:kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca>)

Prof. Ita Richardson, Lero - the Irish Software Research Centre, University of Limerick (Ita.Richardson at lero.ie <mailto:Ita.Richardson at lero.ie>)



Societal and demographic changes, coupled with economic challenges, have driven the need for transformation with respect to how we deliver health and social care in our community. Due to growing populations and medical advances, it is inevitable that healthcare demands will outgrow healthcare professionals’ capabilities to deliver safe quality care in a timely manner. A large component of healthcare transformative efforts focus on the need to support care delivery across various providers and settings. This need has given rise to the emergence of Connected Health – a new, yet complex socio-technical model for healthcare management. As a response to these growing needs, there has been significant growth in the development of new technologies to drive connectivity across the healthcare sector. 


Connected Health has already contributed towards changes in healthcare practice and these changes highlight the growing reliance and trust we now place on healthcare systems and software embedded in technologies. Therefore, software engineering will continue to play a crucial role in healthcare transformation efforts thus requiring emphasis to be placed on Software Engineering for Connected Health.  However, healthcare transformation efforts such as Connected Health are still in their infancy, and therefore we still need to learn about how to design and evaluate software to support endeavours such as Connected Health.


In this Special Issue of the Journal of Software Evolution and Process, we aim to extend the Connected Health field within Software Engineering by identifying the limitations of the existing theories and to develop new or revised theories of Software Engineering for Connected Health. Thus, we seek high quality, state-of-the-art research and practice papers dealing with the conception, development, testing, management, quality, maintenance, and evolution of healthcare software, systems and services, as well as the continuous improvement of processes and capabilities surrounding them within a Connected Health context. Papers can explore different software engineering models, methods, processes ranging from software quality, processes, design, interoperability, safety, security, workflow integration, compliance and regulatory, innovation and transformation, and software analytics.  We are also interested in research on recent advances in software engineering to drive healthcare transformation through innovation and integration of software solutions. These may range from mobile solutions, implantable devices, electronic records, robotic-driven processes which demonstrate how software plays a critical role in the evolution of our modern healthcare service.


Submission Types

We are looking for a wide range of contributions and invite broad participation from people who are actively involved in research and development of Software Engineering for Connected Health and research areas of interest include but are not limited to:

·       Healthcare software and systems design and evolution

·       Connected Health software platforms and architectures

·       Connected Health process improvement

·       Globally distributed healthcare software projects

·       Design and evaluation of software to support healthcare transformation efforts

·       Connected Health software requirements

·       Assessing healthcare organisation readiness, capability and maturity for Connected Health software solutions

·       Challenges and opportunities for Software-as-a-Medical Device

·       Evolution of software processes in medical devices

·       Assessing software quality in Connected Health innovation and medical devices

·       Software processes improvement across Connected Health software, systems and services

·       Emerging healthcare models required for Connected Health software, systems, and service innovation

·       Regulatory and standards requirements within Connected Health

·       Monitoring and managing performance impact of software process changes

·       Managing healthcare software systems and services

·       Implementing new healthcare services and wearable devices


Submission and Important Dates

Full papers must be submitted by 15th December 2016 to the Journal of Software Evolution and Process submission page: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jsme <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jsme>.  Author Guidelines can be found at:



Initial feedback on submissions will be provided by 22nd February 2017.



Guest Editors

Dr Noel Carroll, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems, University of Limerick, is a Research Fellow at the Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Technology Centre. He is the Data lead within ARCH and enjoys working on industry-led projects, collaborating with industry and various academic partners. Dr. Carroll’s research focus is on healthcare software systems and innovation management. He explores various techniques to assess and visualise the impact of technology on healthcare service networks and seeking novel methods to effectively communicate healthcare service process change. Dr. Carroll works on various aspects of Connected Health, for example, process modelling in e-pharmacy, healthcare innovation evaluation, medical device regulation and decision support systems. He currently supervises two PhD students in the field of Connected Health and has over 40 publications in refereed journals and conferences and book chapters. Dr. Carroll also contributed to FP7 projects such as the European Network of Excellence project ‘S-Cube’ – Software Services and Systems and ‘TRANSFoRm’ - Translational Research And Patient Safety In Europe and other national healthcare projects.

Email: noel.carroll at lero.ie <mailto:noel.carroll at lero.ie>

Prof Craig Kuziemsky, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, is an Associate Professor and University Research Chair in Healthcare Innovation. In 2013 he was named The University of Ottawa Young Researcher of the Year in the Humanities and Social Sciences.  In 2014 he received an NSERC Discovery grant to study the design of computer based contextual models for collaborative teamwork. Prof Kuziemsky’s research focuses on developing new approaches for modeling collaborative healthcare delivery so we can better design information and communication technology (ICT) to support different contexts of collaboration.  His work has defined the structural aspects necessary to support collaboration as well as the behavioral and social processes that shape how the structural components work. His studies of collaboration have used concepts such as complexity theory to understand the nature of collaborative interactions in different healthcare settings (clinical healthcare and public health for disaster management).

Email: kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca <mailto:kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca>

Prof Ita Richardson, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems, University of Limerick, is a Funded Investigator within Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, with responsibility for research projects worth over €2million, and in ARCH, as Principal Investigator for the Data/Systems research.  The focus of her research is on software process and assessment and the quality of use of software in a variety of domains, including hospitals and clinics, medical device and financial services. Prof Richardson has graduated 14 PhD students and 1 Habilitation student to completion, is currently supervising 5 PhD students, some of whom are part-time and industry-based and has supervised Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows for the past 15 years. Prof Richardson has over 200 publications in refereed journals and conferences, book chapters and edited books. Prof Richardson carries out industry-based research with indigenous Irish companies such as HomeSafe Care and Ocuco, and multi-national organisations such as Vitalograph, IBM, and Intel Shannon.  She also researches with the Health Service Executive, specifically within Limerick Public Hospitals, where her team have developed H-QAP – a Hospital Quality Assurance Program. Current projects include the establishment of an Innovation model for Connected Health development in Clinical situations and an Investigation into measurable improvements within Radiography due to Connected Health implementation.

Email: Ita.Richardson at lero.ie <mailto:Ita.Richardson at lero.ie>

Many thanks and regards,


Dr. Noel Carroll
Research Fellow (Data Lead)
ARCH - Applied Research for Connected Health Technology Centre www.arch.ie <http://www.arch.ie/>
Room T3-025 | Tierney Building, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems (www.csis.ul.ie <http://www.csis.ul.ie/>) | University of Limerick, V94 NYD3, Ireland 
T: +353-87-754-2224|Skype: noel-carroll|W: noel-carroll.com| <http://noel-carroll.com/>T: @NoelCarroll5 <https://twitter.com/NoelCarroll5>

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