[AISWorld] Tenure-track position at University of Science and Technology of China

Hefu LIU liuhf at ustc.edu.cn
Fri Sep 30 05:19:00 EDT 2016

University of Science and Technology of China
Vacancy: Tenure-track Position for Assistant, Associate, and full professors

PositionThe School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), invites applications for multiple faculty positions at all levels: Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors. Candidates should have or be close to completing a Ph.D., and demonstrate capability for research excellence in in the field of Information Systems and Operations Management,or any other business related area.


Compensation is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Teaching load annually is 0 for junior positions in the first three years and 1.5 courses for senior positions. Candidates who qualify for senior positions are encouraged to apply for the Hundred Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the detail of which can be found at http://employment.ustc.edu.cn/cn/indexinfo.aspx?sign=73.


The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has ranked No. 4 in the mainland and 26th in Asia in the latest Asia University Rankings published by the 2015 Times Higher Education (THE) magazine. The USTC School of Management, accredited by AACSB International, is a leading business school in China. The school’s vision is “to be nationally and internationally recognized as a first-class business school in China, both in research and education”. Over decades of development and growth, the School of Management is consistently recognized as one of top business schools in Mainland China in terms of research and education. The school has ranked 1st among the top 9 universities (C9) in China in the number of publications in journals covered by the Science Citation Index (SCI). Two of three disciplines are ranked in top 10 in 2012 Chinese Management Discipline Assessment, MOE. More information about the school can be found at http://en.business.ustc.edu.cn/.


To apply for the position, please send via email a CV, and a cover letter of interest indicating the particular fit with our research goal to hrsom at ustc.edu.cn (Attn. Ms. Yanmei Li), and cc liuhf at ustc.edu.cn (Dr. Hefu Liu) and huangq at ustc.edu.cn (Dr. Qian Huang). School representatives will meet with candidates at the 2016 ICIS in Dublin, Ireland. Applications received by December 1st, 2016 will be considered for interviews at ICIS. Late applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.


The USTC School of Management is committed to publishing high quality research papers in top business journals. Candidates who can contribute to these goals are encouraged to identify their strengths and experiences in these areas. We sincerely invite excellent scholars to join us at the School of Management, USTC!


Qualifications and Requirements

1. A candidate should have earned a Ph.D. degree from a major research university at the date of appointment. An applicant with a Ph.D. granted by a Chinese university should have one or two years' overseas research experience.

2. An outstanding research record, or the potential to publish papers in top business Journals, is desired.



1. For junior positions, annual salary is competitive among the C9 (Top 9) universities of China (at least 300,000 RMB), and commensurate with an applicant's record and experience. For senior positions, the salary is relatively comparable to your previous position.

2. Arrangements will be made for children of a successful applicant to enter pre-school (the best public pre-school in Anhui Province), primary school, secondary school, or high school (top ranking in Hefei city) affiliated to USTC. (You might also choose to send your children to Hefei Canadian International School, which operates as the Canadian school system and provides English-based education to non-Chinese citizens from year 2 to year 18. )

3. A research fund (100,000-200,000 RMB) is granted by the school to initiate research for the first three years.


Search Committee Chair

Yugang Yu, Professor and Dean, School of Management, USTC


Search Committee Members

Hefu Liu, Associate Professor

Qian Huang, Associate Professor

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