[AISWorld] PoEM 2016, Call for Participation

Jennifer Horkoff jenhork at cs.utoronto.ca
Thu Oct 27 11:32:04 EDT 2016

*** PoEM 2016 Call for Participation ***
*** http://his.se/poem2016/  ***

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to join us at the 9th IFIP WG 8.1 Working
Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM) 8 - 10 November,
2016, Skövde, Sweden.

We selected 18 regular and 9 short papers out of 54 submissions,
representing current research about enterprise modeling (EM), its
applications and its relation to neighboring research topics. We are very
happy to announce a keynote talk by Prof. Robert Winter (Univ. St. Gallen)
on how to establish 'architectural thinking' in organizations.
Prof. Winter is a distinguished researcher in EM and BI with an impressive
track record of successfully applying his research into business.

Affiliated to the PoEM conference are a doctoral consortium on Enterprise
Modeling (chaired by Eva Söderström and Kurt Sandkuhl), and the OMI ("Open
Models Initiative") Workshop organized by the Erasmus+ project OMI-KA2.
Both affiliate events take place on Nov 8 and require no extra fee if you
register for the main conference. The number of seats for the Doctoral
Consortium and the OMI Workshop on Nov 8 are limited. So, please register
early if you plan to attend these affiliated events.

You can register for PoEM 2016 and its affiliated events via

More information about the conference, the program and the social events at

We welcome you to Sweden for a successful, enjoyable, lively and memorable

Anne Persson (General Chair)
Jennifer Horkoff, Manfred Jeusfeld (PC chairs)

------- POEM 2016 PROGRAM ------

November 8, 2016

9:00 - 12:30         Doctoral Consortium
14:00 - 17:00        OMI Workshop

November 9, 2016

9:15-10:15         Keynote

    Establishing 'Architectural Thinking' in Organizations by Robert Winter

10:45-12:30      Session 1: Decision Making, Motivation and Rationale

    Exploring and Conceptualising Software-based Motivation within
    by Alimohammad Shahri, Mahmood Hosseini, Keith Phalp, Jacqui Taylor and
Raian Ali

    Towards Support for Strategic Decision Processes Using Enterprise
Models: A Critical Reconstruction of Strategy Analysis Tools
    by Alexander Bock, Ulrich Frank, Arne Bergmann and Stefan Strecker

    Enterprise Modeling as a Decision Making Aid: A Systematic Mapping
Study  (short)
    by Souvik Barat, Vinay Kulkarni, Tony Clark and Balbir Barn

    Measuring and Visualising Projects' Collective Method Rationale (short)
    by Fredrik Linander, Kai Wistrand and Fredrik Karlsson

14:00 - 15:20    Session 2a: Threats and Competition

    Value-Driven Fraud Analysis of Coordination Models
    by Dan Ionita, Jaap Gordijn, Ahmed Seid Yesuf and Roel Wieringa

    Using Attack-Defense Trees to Analyze Threats and Countermeasures in an
ATM: A Case Study (short)
    by Marlon Fraile, Margaret Ford, Olga Gadyatskaya,  Rajesh Kumar,
Marielle Stoelinga and Rolando Trujillo

    Scaffolding Stakeholder-centric Enterprise Model Articulation
    by Stefan Oppl and Stijn Hoppenbrouwers

14:00 - 15:20    Session 2b: Process Modeling

    Explorative Survey into Goals, Focus, Experiences and Extent of
Enterprise-wide Process Modelling in Practice
    by Frank Wolff

    A Textual Description based Approach to Process Matching
    by Maria Rana, Khurram Shahzad, Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab, Henrik
Leopold and Umair Babar

    The Goal-based Selection of the Business Process Modeling Language
    by Ligita Businska and Marite Kirikova

15:50 - 17:00    Session 3: Risk Management

    Securing Airline-Turnaround Processes Using Security Risk-oriented
    by Silver Samarütel, Raimundas Matulevicius, Alex Norta and Rein Noukas

    Data Journey Modelling: Predicting Risk for IT Developments
    by Iliada Eleftheriou, Suzanne M. Embury and Andy Brass

    An Integrated Conceptual Model for Information System Security Risk
Management and Enterprise Architecture Management based on TOGAF (short)
    by Nicolas Mayer, Jocelyn Aubert, Eric Grandry and Christophe Feltus

November 10, 2016

9:00 - 10:30       Session 4: Data Models and Reasoning

    A Semi-Automated Method for Capturing Consumer Preferences for System
    by Vu Nguyen, Eric-Oluf Svee and Jelena Zdravkovic

    An Artifact-Based Framework for Business-IT Misalignment Symptom
    by Dóra Öri

    Data Model Development for Process Modeling Recommender Systems
    by Michael Fellmann, Dirk Metzger and Oliver Thomas

10:50 - 12:30    Session 5a: Enterprise Architectures and Tools

    Strategic Enterprise Architectures
    by Evellin Cardoso, John Mylopoulos, Alejandro Mate and Juan Trujillo

    Enterprise 2.0 - Literature Taxonomy and Usage Evaluation
    by Mayla Alimam, Emmanuel Bertin and Noël Crespi

    A Toolbox Supporting Agile Modelling Method Engineering: ADOxx.org
Modelling Method Conceptualization Environment (short)
    by Nesat Efendioglu, Robert Woitsch and Wilfrid Utz

    Towards a Classication Framework for Approaches to Enterprise
Architecture Analysis (short)
    by Birger Lantow, Dierk Jugel, Matthias Wiotzki, Benjamin Lehmann, Ole
Zimmermann and Kurt Sandkuhl

10:50 - 12:30    Session 5b: Exploration and Reflection

    Enterprise Modelling for the Masses - From Elitist Discipline to Common
    by Kurt Sandkuhl, Hans-Georg Fill, Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, John Krogstie,
Andreas Leue,
    Florian Matthes, Andreas Opdahl, Gerhard Schwabe, Omer Uludag and
Robert Winter

    Causes and Consequences of Application Portfolio Complexity - An
Exploratory Study
    by Pouya Aleatrati Khosroshahi, Jannis Beese, Florian Matthes and
Robert Winter

    The Value of Enterprise Modelling: Towards a Service-centric
Perspective (short)
    by Martin Benkenstein, Michael Fellmann, Michael Leyer and Kurt Sandkuhl

    Separation of Modeling Principles and Design Principles in Enterprise
Engineering (short)
    by Tetsuya Suga, Peter De Bruyn, Philip Huysmans, Jan Verelst and
Herwig Mannaert

14:00 - 15:30    Session 6: Modeling Frameworks

    Coopetition with Frenemies: Towards Modeling of Simultaneous
Cooperation and Competition Among Enterprises
    by Vik Pant and Eric Yu

    Defining the Responsibility Space for the Information Systems Evolution
    by Jolita Ralyté, Wanda Opprecht and Michel Léonard

    Modeling Organizational Capabilities on a Strategic Level
    by Janis Stirna, Jelena Zdravkovic, Martin Henkel, Pericles Loucopoulos
and Christina Stratigaki

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