[AISWorld] Extended: AIS Global IS Education Report 2017

vom Brocke Jan jan.vom.brocke at uni.li
Thu Nov 3 06:10:49 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues and friends,

due to a number of inquiries, we have extended the deadline to Nov 15, 2016.

Per today, 2,918 courses in 696 programs from 427 institutions in 81 countries have been registered, and we would like to tank you all for the great support of the initiative.

To be part of the Global AIS Education Report 2017, please register (and update) your IS educational programs by Nov 15, 2016 at: http://www.eduglopedia.org.

Kind regards,

Jan vom Brocke, AIS VP Education, University of Liechtenstein
Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
Heikki Topi, Bentley University
Markus Weinmann, University of Liechtenstein

AIS Global IS Education Report 2017  -
Call: open until Nov 15, 2016 (extended from Oct 31, 2016)


The Association for Information Systems (AIS) publishes an Annual Global IS Education Report that presents information on IS Educational programs worldwide. The data can be entered free of charge by each IS institution and the report is disseminated to a wide range of stakeholders, including prospective students, industry partners, and governmental institutions. The report demonstrates the impact our IS discipline has, educating for the digital society and economy worldwide.



The AIS Global IS Education Report 2017 will
- list all IS educational programs by region
- include each institution's profile
- showcase each institutions programs
- outline the courses per program
- provide links, and contact persons for each program
- provide a section of basic descriptive statistics for each program
- provide statistics on IS programs per region
- will be published in a digital format
- will be promoted via multiple online channels



Data is collected via the platform http://www.EDUglopedia.org. Already today, the platform collects over 2,700 courses in over 600 programs from over 380 institutions in 75 countries. Using the platform, it is also possible for the programs to update their data over the year. The annual report will provide a snapshot of the programs included in the database.

An editorial team will evaluate the data provided by each institution, and decide whether or not a program will be included in the report. All programs that will fulfill the following criteria will be included: (a) the program is offered by an academic higher education institution, (b) the data is complete in that it provides an institutional profile, a program profile, and course descriptions.

To be included in the AIS Global IS Education Report 2017, the following information needs to be provided by your institution:
- Name
- Abstract
- Logo (Profile & Banner)
- Address
- Website

Further, we are only able to include institutions that have registered at least one program with:
- Name
- Abstract
- Highlights



Registration of programs is open until October 31, 2016 at: http://www.eduglopedia.org



To give an example on how institutions, programs, and courses can be presented at http://www.EDUglopedia.org, please see the following link:



15.11.2016: Data submitted on http://www.EDUglopedia.org (Nov 15, 2016 (extended from Oct 31, 2016)
30.11.2016: Feedback to the institutions based on review of data
31.01.2017: Proofs of the Global IS Education Report 2016 to institutions
15.02.2017: Feedback to the editors
31.03.2017: Publication of the report


EDITORS (alphabetical order)

Jan vom Brocke, AIS VP Education, University of Liechtenstein
Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
Heikki Topi, Bentley University
Markus Weinmann, University of Liechtenstein


EDITORIAL BOARD (alphabetical order)

Salehu Anteneh, Addis Abeba University
Elizabeth White Baker, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Geoffrey Dick, North Georgia College and State University
Brian Donnellan, University of Maynooth,
Mary Granger, George Washington University
Eija Karsten, Abo Akademi Handelshögskolan
George Kasper, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ting-Peng Liang, National Cheng-Chi University
Joe Nandhakumar, Warwick Business School
Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Economics
Venky Shankararaman, Singapore Management University
Ravi Seethamraju, University of Sydney
Rhonda Syler, Louisiana Tech University
Te-Wie Wang, University of Illinois at Springfield

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