[AISWorld] CFP - Special Issue on Big Data in Tourism and Hospitality

Sigala Marianna m.sigala at aegean.gr
Thu Nov 17 16:49:10 EST 2016

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
Special issue on Big Data in Tourism and Hospitality

Guest editors

Dr Marianna Sigala
Professor in Tourism
University of South Australia, Australia
Email: Marianna.Sigala at unisa.edu.au<mailto:Marianna.Sigala at unisa.edu.au>
Dr Roya Rahimi
Lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality
University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Email: roya.rahimi at wlv.ac.uk<mailto:roya.rahimi at wlv.ac.uk>

Big Data represents a new era in data exploration and utilization, a driver of innovation and a game changer. The impact of big data on tourism, hospitality and events is not an exception. Big data provide numerous opportunities to tourism firms to enhance their decision-making, transform and enrich marketing practices, manage businesses in real time and boost business innovation. Effective exploitation of big data requires a diversity of new human skills and capabilities (e.g. analytical, interpretive and business), new organizational structures and governance (e.g. cross-functional teams, corporate wide and open communication, cooperation with third parties and online platforms) and new management philosophies and cultures. In this vein, big data create several challenges to tourism and hospitality educators who need to ensure that the new graduates possess the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the new big data era.  As research into the opportunities, challenges and exploitation of big data in tourism and hospitality has been scarce, the aim of this special issue is to publish research that will advance the industry’s and academics’ understanding of the implications of big data. Thus, theoretical, empirical, experimental, and case study research contributions are welcome. All contributions should clearly address the practical and theoretical implications of the research reported. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   Big data in business operations
  *   Big data analytic: including research method and approaches such as netnography, sentiment analysis and text analysis
  *   Big data and technological infrastructure and tools
  *   Social media and big data
  *   Challenges and opportunities of big data exploitation
  *   Big data and innovation in tourism and hospitality
  *   Big data and digital entrepreneurship
  *   Big data, business transformation and business models
  *   User-generated content and big data: analytic, exploitation and implications
  *   Big data and decision-making
  *   Big data and legal, privacy and ethical issues
  *   Big data, skills, competencies and educational /  training challenges
  *   Big data, customer engagement and CRM
  *   Bibliometric and meta-analysis of big data studies in tourism and hospitality industry
Review Process
Each paper submitted to this special issue is subject to the following review procedures:

  *   300 to 500 words abstract should be emailed to the guest editors for initial review and approval.
  *    If you abstract found suitable, you will be invited to submit your full paper. Each article needs to be approximately 3000-6000 words long.
  *    2 reviewers will be selected for a double-blind review process.
  *   Based on the reviewers’ recommendation, the guest editors and the Editor-in-Chief will decide whether the particular submission should be accepted as it is, revised and re-submitted, or rejected.
Key Dates

Abstract submission: 25th February 2017
Interested authors should email their abstracts (300 to 500 words) to both guest editors.
Dr Marianna Sigala Marianna.Sigala at unisa.edu.au<mailto:Marianna.Sigala at unisa.edu.au>
Dr Roya Rahimi roya.rahimi at wlv.ac.uk<mailto:roya.rahimi at wlv.ac.uk>

<mailto:roya.rahimi at wlv.ac.uk>
Notification of abstract acceptance: 25th of March 2017

Deadline for submitting the full papers: 31th of August 2017

Special issue expected publication date: January 2018

General submission guidelines for authors can be found in below link:


Marianna Sigala
Marianna Sigala |Professor of Tourism |Director of the Centre for Tourism and Leisure Management (CTLM)

School of Management, University of South Australia<http://www.unisa.edu.au/> Business School  EQUIS Accredited<http://www.unisa.edu.au/Business/School/About-us/Achievements/> |

' + 61 8 8302 0353   | 7 + 61 8 8302 0512  | * marianna.sigala at unisa.edu.au<mailto:marianna.sigala at unisa.edu.au>


Co-Editor of Journal of Service Theory & Practice<http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=jstp> (formerly published as Managing Service Quality<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/msq> (MSQ)

Co-Editor of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-hospitality-and-tourism-management>

Chair of the I-CHRIE Johnson & Wales Hospitality & Tourism Case Study Competition & Publication Series<http://www.chrie.org/membership/case-study-competition/index.aspx>

Editor of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases<http://www.chrie.org/publications/jhtc/index.aspx>

Regional Editor of Australasia for the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management<http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=ijchm>

Books' Review Editor of Tourismos Journal<http://www.chios.aegean.gr/tourism/journal.htm>


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