[AISWorld] CAll for paper special issue

Bouarara ahmed.bouarara at univ-saida.dz
Thu Nov 17 17:40:43 EST 2016

Special Issue On: Metaheuristics and Bio Inspiration in Information Retrieval 

Submission Due Date 

Guest Editors 
Hadj Ahmed Bouarara, GeCoDe Laboratory, Dr. Moulay Tahar University, Saida, Algeria 
Reda Mohamed Hamou, GeCoDe Laboratory, Dr. Moulay Tahar University, Saida, Algeria 
Mohamed Elhadi Rahmani, GeCoDe Laboratory, Dr. Moulay Tahar University, Saida, Algeria 
Amine Rahmani, GeCoDe Laboratory, Dr. Moulay Tahar University, Saida, Algeria 


Information Retrieval (IR) is one of the major fields in artificial intelligence, it took a large place in research domains. IR is the fact of searching relevant resources about a user request based on a set of information. Speaking about information, they could be any type, either media information such as videos and images. or textual in sort of structured, semi structured, or unstructured texts. Nowadays, development of new IR techniques became a field of innovation, where many researchers now consider nature - with its fantastic phenomenon especially in solving hard problems - as a source of inspiration for highly developed algorithms, and the main goal is solving so called NP hard problems in technology. These last, showed very good results when they were applied for many problems, what made researchers called some algorithms metaheuristics. 


The missions of this special issue of IJOCI aim at making more researchers in understanding, developing new heuristics, and application of metaheuristics in information retrieval fields, either for classic NP hard problems, or real life issues. 

Recommended Topics 

Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following: 

    * Information retrieval in Big data/Data Science. 
    * Bioinspired and metaheuristics in Data mining. 
    * Metaheuristics in information systems. 
    * Information retrieval in all data bases. 
    * Metaheuristics for security, and privacy preservation. 
    * Data encryption based on metaheuristics. 
    * Application of Metaheuristics in security. 
    * Bioinspired algorithms in ecology problems. 
    * Swarm intelligence in cloud computing. 
    * A New heuristics and bio-inspired algorithms. 
    * Real life problem solving using metaheuristics. 
    * Application of metaheuristics in clustering. 
    * Classification of data using metaheuristics. 
    * Data Analysis based on metaheuristics. 
    * Metaheuristics applied for knowledge based systems. 
    * Survey and comparative study. 
    * Metaheuristics applied for decision making systems. 

Submission Procedure 

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Metaheuristics and Bio Inspiration in Information Retrieval on or before February 25, 2017 . All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx . All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations. 

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of: 
Hadj Ahmed Bouarara 
Lead Guest Editor 
International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) 
Email: bouararaahmed1990 at gmail.com 

All manuscript submissions to the special issue should be sent through the online submission system: 

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