[AISWorld] AIS Response to the Recent Executive Order on Immigration in

Mary Tate mary.tate at qut.edu.au
Wed Feb 1 18:46:59 EST 2017

In case anyone is interested in the reactions of the wider global academic community to the EO, the statement issued by the Vice Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Professor Grant Guildford follows fyi:

This email is sent on behalf of Grant Guilford, Vice-Chancellor

Dear colleagues,

As you will be aware, a foolhardy, unethical and quite possibly illegal executive order has been issued by the White House temporarily banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States.

We have been working with the University's travel agency and are not currently aware of any staff or students who are affected by this ban. However, we will continue to monitor the situation and if we, or our travel agents, do identify anyone at Victoria who is, or could be, impacted by the ban we will be doing everything possible to support and advise those people.

If you are concerned that you may be affected by the travel ban, please talk to you manager or your HR representative and they will arrange the appropriate enquiries to be made on your behalf.

It goes without saying that disgraceful actions such as this Executive Order are the antithesis of Victoria's global-civic commitment to inclusivity, equity and diversity, and are not in keeping with the core values of respect, responsibility, fairness, integrity and empathy we share with the wider academic community.



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