[AISWorld] use of AIS digital fora

Miranda, Shaila M. shailamiranda at ou.edu
Fri Feb 3 12:33:11 EST 2017

First, I would like to express my solidarity with Nima, Ali, Hossein, and all others affected by the Executive Order on immigration.  Practically, I know this does little to alter their circumstances.  But perhaps it might mitigate their sense of isolation to know that many - perhaps even a majority - of their colleagues empathize and are deeply troubled by them.  I would encourage those of you that are likeminded to see the ASA's response (http://www.asanet.org/news-events/asa-news/statement-american-sociological-association-concerning-new-administrations-recent-and-future<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.asanet.org_news-2Devents_asa-2Dnews_statement-2Damerican-2Dsociological-2Dassociation-2Dconcerning-2Dnew-2Dadministrations-2Drecent-2Dand-2Dfuture&d=DwMGaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=PRDrdAErpqjc-Mqi1rlxTon674IJh0vbvBOlIphEY8w&m=366T7gVqDiLq4xTg4qfzhKpoI-1ih4yBa0axKsF_MoI&s=YRZy8yU2J7dJeszRrxqx4RAgj3ByKwZ03jKiyViQvpo&e=>) and sign the petition at https://notoimmigrationban.com/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__notoimmigrationban.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=qKdtBuuu6dQK9MsRUVJ2DPXW6oayO8fu4TfEHS8sGNk&r=PRDrdAErpqjc-Mqi1rlxTon674IJh0vbvBOlIphEY8w&m=366T7gVqDiLq4xTg4qfzhKpoI-1ih4yBa0axKsF_MoI&s=nSPLdvZgpRldf0O0zURbi8Jm2_LbpwpJenH3rRmVRL8&e=>.

Then, as we contemplate appropriate responses to sharing "private" information on this and other AIS digital properties, I request the AIS leadership and colleagues to consider what would be an appropriate analog response, i.e., if they encountered people sharing "private" information at an ICIS, EJIS, or other conference.  Below are some digital responses that have been discussed and analog equivalents:

1.       digital response: individually delete posts we do not wish to read; analog equivalent: change the conversation or walk away;

2.       digital response: tell poster their communication does not represent the majority interest of the AIS community and should be shared on another forum; analog equivalent: ask meeting attendee to take their conversation outside premises on which conference is being hosted;

3.       digital response: administratively delete posts; analog equivalent: censorship of individual speech.

Finally, I wanted to ensure that sharing my opinion on a public policy issue does not compromise AIS's 501(c)(3) status.  So, I checked with a First Amendment law professor, who said it would be "unprecedented (and likely unconstitutional) to yank a non-profit's 501(c)(3)" because it permitted such a discussion on its digital fora.

Thank you for reading!

Shaila Miranda, PhD
Associate Professor and MIS PhD Program Coordinator
Division of MIS, Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
Email: shailamiranda at ou.edu
Phone: 405-325-5732
URL: http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/M/Shaila.M.Miranda-1/

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