[AISWorld] Publishing ICIS papers in Journals

Dennis, Alan R. ardennis at indiana.edu
Thu Apr 20 07:40:50 EDT 2017

Over the years, there has been some confusion about publishing ICIS and other conference papers in journals. Last year, AIS introduced a policy encouraging the publication of research first at conferences, followed by a more refined version in a journal. Therefore, ICIS and AMCIS do not take copyright of your paper, and there are no barriers to prevent the publication of conference papers in AIS journals. Many other journals have similar policies encouraging the submission of conference papers (e.g., all the Senior Scholars' Basket journals, DSS, I&M).  The policy and its rationale, and a list of journals with policies similar to the AIS policy is available at: http://aisnet.org/general/custom.asp?page=PoliciesGuidelines

As a reminder, the due date for ICIS submissions is May 5. See: https://icis2017.aisnet.org/submissions/call-for-papers/

If you are the editor of a journal with a policy similar to ours and would like to have your journal included on our list, please email me directly and we'll be happy to include it.


Alan Dennis
Professor and John T. Chambers Chair of Internet Systems
AIS Vice President for Conferences (aisnet.org/?page=Conferences)<http://aisnet.org/?page=Conferences)>
Editor-in-Chief, AIS Transactions on Replication Research (aisel.aisnet.org/trr)<http://aisel.aisnet.org/trr>

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