[AISWorld] CfP ReSerCH - SMD @ ESOCC 2017

Pierluigi Plebani pierluigi.plebani at polimi.it
Tue May 2 13:29:26 EDT 2017

* (Rethinking Services CHallenges - Services Meet Data)
* in conjunction with 
* 6th European Conference on Service-Oriented 
* and Cloud Computing (ESOCC)
* organised by the IFIP WG on Service Oriented Systems
* WG 2.14/6.12/8.10
* 27 Sept. 2017 - Oslo, Norway
* http://ifip-wg-sos.deib.polimi.it/reserch-smd/


In the last two decades, service-oriented approaches have radically changed the way in which software and systems are conceived, designed, and implemented. Favoured by the increasing adoption of internet-based technologies, service orientation has answered to an increasing demand for connectivity at different levels: from software components to information systems, up to entire organizations.

The resulting pervasiveness of services at different levels also enables the production and consumption of huge amounts of data at a massive scale. Consequently, data-intensive services are more and more required to process huge quantities of data both in the cloud and the edge of the internetwork. Similarly, a need is emerging to design and implement services which are able to cover the entire data management and intelligence life-cycle.

The goal of this 2nd edition of the ReSerCH workshop is to analyse how services are relevant to and for data as a predominant service design device, and, vice-versa, how data influences and advocates for service management, intelligence, and organizational governance. Our expected results span the definition of a research agenda around the topics below, along with a clear-cut definition of conceptual models needed to approach this intriguing research subject.

Furthermore, we are also encouraging submission of case studies within the same scope and topics proposed in this workshop such that further services research may rotate around more realistic and well articulated industrial scenarios.


The scope of this edition of the ReSerCH workshop is to explore the nature and challenges of services with respect to data and its characteristics. Any paper discussing topics around data along is considered out-of-scope.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Data-intensive services design and modeling
- Data-intensive services platforms
- Data-intensive services running on the edge/fog
- Data-intensive service intelligence
- Data-intensive service governance
- Services for data storage
- Services for data provisioning
- Services for data management
- Services for improving data quality 
- Services for data security
- Services for data analytics
- Services for data-warehousing
- Case studies in all of the above

All the papers submitted to the workshop will be assigned by at least two reviewers and undergo peer-review against the goals of the workshop and the general goals of our IFIP mission as a whole.


Submission: 07.07.2017
Notification: 04.08.2017


Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research papers (written in English). Workshop papers will be published in ESOCC Workshops post-proceedings in the Springer LNCS Services Science series.

We solicit two types of submissions: full papers (15 pages maximum) and case study reports (8 pages maximum).

Full papers should describe original approaches and methods that falling into the categories listed above, where research agenda and evaluation campaigns should be possibly elaborated. The role of services should be made explicitly clear.

Case study papers should focus on well articulating description of a case study where addressed research challenges and description of context and proposed solutions are clearly described.

Presenters of accepted papers will be invited to present their work in a working session in order to improve the discussion around the research challenges identified and addressed in their papers. Camera ready of accepted paper should be ready about 2-4 weeks after the workshop.

Paper submission will be handed electronically through Easy Chair


The workshop is organised and coordinated by IFIP WG on SOS:

Pierluigi Plebani (pierluigi.plebani at polimi.it)
Damian A. Tamburri (damianandrew.tamburri at polimi.it)

PC members:

Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano - Italy
Antonio Brogi, Università di Pisa - Italy
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano - Italy
Eric Dubois, Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien - Austria
Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Humburg, Germany
Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK
Andreas Metzger, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Massimo Paolucci - DoCoMo EuroLabs - Germany
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano - Italy
Jacopo Soldani, Università di Pisa - Italy
Farouk Toumani, Blaise Pascal University - France
Wolf Zimmermann, University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

For additional information on the IFIP WG on Service Oriented Systems, please visit our web site: http://ifip-wg-sos.deib.polimi.it/reserch-smd/ 

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