[AISWorld] ## CFP ISICO 2017 - Scopus - Bali - AIS Chapter - Deadline May 31 ###

Arif Wibisono wibisono at is.its.ac.id
Fri May 12 04:07:48 EDT 2017

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*SCOPUS – BALI –  AIS CHAPTER – LOW PRICE**Full Paper* : Procedia Computer
Science, *Scopus, H-Index = 21, Open Access at www.sciencedirect.com
*Outstanding Speaker* : President of the Association for Information
Systems (2017/2018)
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*The Fourth Information Systems International Conference 2017*

*Bali (Indonesia), November 6-8, 2017*www.isico.info

*“Innovation of Information Systems – Visions, Opportunities and
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The 4rd Information Systems International Conference (ISICO) is a biannual
conference in Information Systems held by The department of Information
Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and The Association of
Information Systems (AIS) Indonesia Chapter. The refereed conference has
been dedicated to the advancement to the theory and practices in
Information Systems.

The ISICO 2017 invites submission of full paper and short paper from recent
research endeavor in the field of information systems. Maximum pages of
full paper are 8 and all full* papers will be indexed by SCOPUS in Procedia
Computer Science*. Maximum pages of short paper are 6 and all short papers
will be published in ISICO proceeding. Short papers will be also published
in the *Open Access Journal of Information Systems-OAJIS *(http://is.its.a
c.id/pubs/oajis <http://is.its.ac.id/pubs/oajis>)*.*

At least one of the accepted paper authors has to register and present
his/her work in the conference, otherwise the paper would be pulled from
all conference’s proceedings. In the end of the conference, the committee
will select the best papers and the awards will be announced.

*SUBMIT YOUR PAPER NOW!*  ( Due date: *May, 31 2017*)
Download the paper template and submit your paper through

*1.   **Prof. Matti Rossi*
The President of the Association for Information Systems 2017/2018
Aalto University School of Economics, Finland

*2.   **Prof. Ting-Peng Liang*
Fellow Recipient – Association for Information Systems (AIS) 2003
Full Professor in Information Management Department, National Sun-Yat Sen
University, Republic of China

*3.   **Prof. Caroline Chan*
The President of Australian Council Australian Council of Professors and
Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS)

ISICO 2017 comprises a series of independent tracks that are relevant to
Information Systems discipline. The conference will cover the following
tracks, but not limited to:

*Track : Enterprise Systems (ES)*
1. Enterprise Resource Planning
2. Business Process Management
3. Customer Relationship Management
4. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
5. System Dynamics
6. E-business and e-Commerce
7. Marketing Analytics
8. Marketplace Analytics
9. Business Analytics and Knowledge Discovery
10. Production Management
11. Task Analysis
12. Process Mining
13. Discrete Event Simulation
14. Service Science and Innovation
15. Innovation in the Digital Economy

*Track : Information Systems Management (ISM)*
1. Software Engineering
2. Software Design Pattern
3. System Analysis and Design
4. Research Methods of Information Systems
5. Green Technology Strategies
6. Strategic Information Systems
7. IT Governance and Audits
8. E-Government
9. IT Service Management
10. IT Project Management
11. Information System Development
12. Software Quality Assurance
13. Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology
14. Health Information Systems and Technology
15. Accounting Information Systems
16. Human Behavior in Information System
17. Social Technical Issues and Social Inclusion
18. Domestication of Information Technology
19. ICTs and Sustainable Development
20. Information System in developing countries

*Track : Data Acquisition and Information Dissemination (DAID)*
1. Database Management Systems
2. Open Data
3. Knowledge Management
4. Semantics Web and Linked Data
5. Big Data
6. Web Services
7. Social Media
8. Social Networks
9. Visualization Information
10. Social Information Systems
11. Social Informatics
12. Spatial Information Systems
13. Geographical Information Systems

*Track : Data Engineering and Business Intelligence (DEBI)*
1. Business Intelligence
2. Data Mining
3. Intelligent Systems
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Autonomous Agents
6. Intelligent Agents
7. Multi-Agent Systems
8. Expert Systems
9. Pattern Recognition
10. Machine Learning
11. Soft Computing
12. Optimization
13. Forecasting
14. Meta-Heuristics
15. Computational Intelligence

*Track : IT Infrastructure and Security (ITIS)*
1. Computer Security
2. Information Security and Privacy
3. Information Forensics
4. Network Security
5. Cryptography
6. Cloud Computing and Virtualization
7. Emerging Technologies
8. Computer Vision and Image
9. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
10. Ethics in Information Systems
11. Service Computing
12. Computer Graphics
13. Image Processing
14. Speech Recognition
15. Human Computer Interaction
16. Augmented Reality
17. Ubiquitous Computing
18. Sensor Networks
19. Medical Image Analysis
20. Internet Technology
21. Computational Biology and Bio-Informatics
22. Game Development
23. Mobile and Pervasive Computing
24. Affective Computing
25. Real-time Systems and Embedded Systems
26. Parallel and Distributed Systems
27. Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU)
Processing Units (GPGPU)


•        *Paper Submission*
–       Submission Deadline : May, 31 2017
–       Submission Accpt. Notif. : July, 30 2017
–       Camera Ready Deadline : August, 15 2017
–       Camera Ready Accpt. Notif: Agt, 22 2017
•        *Payments*
–       Registration Start : August, 16 2017
–       Early Bird End : September, 1 2017
–       Registration End : October, 1 2017
•        *Conference*
–       Conference Date : November, 6.7,8 2017


*IV.        CONTACT *
For all enquiries, please contact the ISICO 2017 Secretary:

Mrs. Tyas Darmaningrat
Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology
ITS Campus, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
East Java, Indonesia
Email: ask at isico.info
Mobile: *+62 813-3335-1828*
Office Telephone: +62 31 5999944
Fax.: +62 31 5964965
Website: http://www.isico.info

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