[AISWorld] ACIS 2017 in Hobart, Australia - 2nd Call for Papers

Kai Riemer kai.riemer at sydney.edu.au
Fri Jun 16 03:36:43 EDT 2017

++ Apologies for cross postings +++

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the ACIS 2017 co-chairs I am sending out the second call for papers for the 2017 Australasian Conference on Information Systems.

28th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
4th-6th December 2017
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia,

Professor Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
Professor Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine
Professor Mardi Dungey, University of Tasmania

The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) is the premier conference in the Australasian region for the Information Systems discipline. This year will mark the 28th year of the conference’s long history. ACIS 2017 will be hosted by the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia, at the Wrest Point Hotel Casino.

Information Systems is a young, broad discipline that has already been exposed to change and challenge through ICT based innovation of business and the blurring of boundaries between business and the community. Ultimately, our breadth of inquiry is a strength of the Information Systems community but one that may be viewed as a weakness when not clearly communicated. This applies in particular given that IS as a discipline naturally interfaces across a range of disciplinary boundaries.

Accordingly, this year’s conference theme is Data, Knowledge and Decisions. With this theme, we wish to highlight both the reach of the Information Systems community to a plethora of disciplines, and also the variety of challenges, ranging from data analytics and decision making to inquiries about the very nature of data, knowledge, and decisions which may be conceptualised and experienced in very different ways.

Therefore, at ACIS 2017 we would like to challenge you to think critically about Data, Knowledge and Decisions. What are our challenges in light of the large volume of data currently being generated? How can we support the creation of knowledge from the information that is created through the analysis of such data? As one of the fundamental roles of Information Systems is supporting decision making, how do we adjust our current understanding of Information Systems in response to new technology, such as social media? Join us at ACIS2017 in Hobart, where we will explore these issues both through our plenary sessions and our collection of thematic tracks.

Conference Tracks:
-Digital Business Innovation
-Social media in organisations and society
-Design and design science in IS
-Diversity, inclusion and cross cultural issues in IS
-Alternative approaches and genres in IS
-Agile, Project Management and IS Development
-Knowledge management (information management)
-Data analytics and visualisation in decision-making
-IS philosophy and research methods
-HCI, the user experience and human centred IS
-Service science, management and innovation in IS
-IS education, training and learning technologies/
-Health Informatics
-Green IS and sustainability
-IS security management and privacy
-General track
-Panels and Workshops

For track descriptions see: https://www.acis2017.org/conference/tracks/

Submission Types:
- Full Research Papers
- Research-In-Progress Papers

Papers should be original, unpublished submissions in English. Details of the paper submission system and information on submission requirements is available at
All paper submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

Important Dates:
Paper submission: 11th August 2017
Paper notification: 20th September 2017

Shortly we will also invite proposals for panels, workshops and tutorial sessions. Details on the format of these sessions and on the review process will follow in a separate call for submissions and will be made available via the ACIS 2017 website: http://acis2017.org/

Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof Christopher Lueg, University of Tasmania
Prof Henry Duh, University of Tasmania
A/Prof Leonie Ellis, University of Tasmania

Program Co-Chairs
Prof Kai Riemer, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Marta Indulska, University of Queensland
Prof Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto University (Finland)

Workshop and Panel co-chairs
A/Prof Liz Cummings, University of Tasmania
A/Prof Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University
Mr Sam Brodribb, Tasmania IT Pty Ltd

Organising Chair
Dr Erin Roehrer, University of Tasmania

Best regards

KAI RIEMER | Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Wirt. Inform.
Professor of Information Technology and Organisation
Leader, Digital Disruption Research Group (DDRG)

Discipline of Business Information Systems
Rm 4179 | Abercrombie Bldg H70 | NSW | 2006 | Australia

T +61 2 9036 9053  | Twitter @karisyd | Skype kai.riemer
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