[AISWorld] Call for Papers (CFP): Special Issue on Big Data in Ubiquitous Computing at IEEE Transaction on Big Data

Jianwu Wang jianwu at umbc.edu
Fri Jun 16 17:17:26 EDT 2017

Special Issue on Big Data in Ubiquitous Computing

IEEE Transaction on Big Data <https://www.computer.org/web/tbd>

Scope and Aims

With the continuous expansion of ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks and Internet of Things, all kinds of data become widely available and large in amount. Generation of huge amounts of data, called big data, reflects the dynamics of physical world and can be the basis for ubiquitous intelligence. Big data in ubiquitous intelligence scenarios exhibit some specific characteristics, like multi-source, heterogeneous, large-scale, real-time streaming, continuous, ever-expanding and spatial-temporal. Traditional ubiquitous computing approaches or systems began to show their limitations. It is difficult to manage and utilize all kinds of big data to accelerate ubiquitous intelligence in real-world. We believe that we need a new way for ubiquitous intelligence and computing where big data is immensely involved, especially for the data trace collected from ambient sensors, wearable, social media and so on. Intensive research is required on the collaboration between big data and ubiquitous computing. This special issue, as a dedicated forum, aims for the scientific and industrial community to present their novel models, methodologies, techniques and solutions which can address theoretical and practical issues.

We invite authors from academia and industry to submit their original research as well as review articles to present latest progresses for current development or future goals in this field.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Fundamental theory of big data and ubiquitous computing
System architecture and infrastructure of big data and ubiquitous computing: including computing architecture, cloud computing technology and platform, edge computing technology and platform
Big data acquisition and pre-processing in ubiquitous computing
Storage management models, techniques and systems for big data in ubiquitous computing
Methods and algorithms for ubiquitous intelligent and ubiquitous computing: including machine learning, data mining, social network analysis, web mining and retrieval, business intelligence, ranking and recommendation, ontology-based storage management and analytical mining of large-scale semantic data, virtualized analysis and computation, etc.
Parallel computation models, frameworks and systems for big data: including models, frameworks and systems of MapReduce, stream computing, hybrid parallel computation and programming
Privacy and security of big data and ubiquitous computing
System solutions and tool platform for big data and ubiquitous computing
New services and applications of big data and ubiquitous computing

Important Dates

Papers Due: September 1st, 2017
First Round Decisions: November 15th, 2017
Revision After Frist Round if needed: December 30th, 2017
Second Round Decisions: February 28th, 2018
Final Decision: March 30th, 2018

Paper Submission

This issue will contain papers directly submitted from the wider research community along with selected papers from the 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2017)  <http://ieee-smartworld.org/2017/uic/>. Papers selected from UIC will be substantially extended with at least 30% difference from its conference version. All submissions will go through a two-round peer-review process by at least three international researchers.

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the Instructions for Authors for IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD). The complete manuscript should be submitted through TBDs submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct special issue, please select the appropriate section in the dropdown menu upon submission. In your cover letter, please also clearly mention the title of the SI.

Special Issue Guest Editors

Jianwu Wang <http://userpages.umbc.edu/~jianwu/>, jianwu _at_ umbc.edu, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, U.S.A.
Nirmalya Roy <http://userpages.umbc.edu/~nroy/>, nroy _at_ umbc.edu, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, U.S.A.
Zhuofeng Zhao <http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/z/Zhao:Zhuofeng>, edzhao _at_ ncut.edu.cn, North China University of Technology, China.
Stephen Intille <http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/intille/>, s.intille _at_ northeastern.edu, Northeastern University, U.S.A.

More Information

The Call For Paper (CFP) information can also be found from the IEEE Transaction on Big Data <https://www.computer.org/web/tbd> web site. The direct link for the CFP is CFP at IEEE Website <https://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/transactions/cfps/cfp_tbdsi_bduc.pdf>.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
jianwu at umbc.edu

Assistant Professor in Big Data
Department of Information Systems
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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