[AISWorld] Last CFP - QCA Workshop at AMCIS in Boston

YoungKi Park ykpark8 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 23:05:41 EDT 2017

*Call for Proposals – QCA Workshop, AMCIS 2017 *

Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, USA

*Workshop Title: Set-Theoretic Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(QCA) for IS Research    *

*Time: August 10, 2017, 8:30AM – 12:00PM *

Organizers: YoungKi Park (George Washington University), James S. Denford
(Royal Military College of Canada)

We are pleased to offer the second QCA workshop, titled as “Set-Theoretic
Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for IS Research”. The
workshop is aimed at benefiting a variety of scholars ranging from those
who have no previous exposure to QCA to those who have experience to share
with other IS scholars.

Register at:

http://aisnet.org/?AMCISRegisterHelp    http://aisnet.org/event/amcis2017

Workshop can be found at “Attendee Selections” tab – Thursday, August 10,

*No charge for registration for this workshop. *

*Workshop Description *

Fused interaction of IT with organizational and environmental elements is
creating a complex system, often exhibiting nonlinear, discontinuous change
such that a small adjustment in IT can trigger drastic changes in other
elements, and eventually the whole socio-technical system may shift to new
equilibriums. In such complex dynamics, the role of IT should be understood
as an element of the whole system rather than a separate independent
variable and its net-effect. Notwithstanding the increasing need for a
holistic systemic perspective, there is still a paucity of IS research that
investigates how IT effectively works together with organizational and
environmental elements to produce the expected. Recently, qualitative
comparative analysis (QCA) is drawing increasing attention of IS
researchers to its capability to investigate the complex digital phenomena
and the nuanced IT role such as enabling, constraining, complementary and
substituting in configurations that produce an outcome of interest (e.g.,
El Sawy et al. 2010; Rivard & Lapointe 2012; Dawson, Denford & Desouza
2016; Park, El Sawy & Fiss 2017; Dawson et al. 2017). QCA developed by
Charles Ragin (1987) integrates the strengths of both case-oriented
qualitative methods and variable-oriented quantitative methods, and can be
applicable for small, medium, or large data either at the group,
organization, country, or ecosystem level. This workshop will share useful
QCA tips and foster discussion about how QCA can help IS researchers
develop novel, richer theories.

The workshop will be divided into two parts:

*Part 1 (8:30AM – 10:30PM): A set of short introductory seminars *

·        An Introduction to Set Theoretic Methods – crisp-set and fuzzy-set

·        Tips of applying QCA to IS research with examples

·        Open Q&As

*Part 2 (10:30PM – 12:00 PM): Roundtable discussions of submitted proposals
(proposal submission required)*

The second session of the workshop is about paper development. We encourage
scholars to submit their work for discussion in a collaborative and
constructive setting. Scholars with QCA expertise will help the researchers
who do not have QCA expertise to apply it for their working papers.
Further, IS scholars who have been using QCA for their research will also
be invited to discuss and develop further their working papers.

To attend part 2, we request you to submit a proposal for review by at
least *July 30*. If you need to know acceptance decision before the date
due to some reasons like travel schedule, you can request us to send
acceptance notice. We can review submitted proposals before the due date in
such cases.

*Submission Guidelines: *

We recommend that your proposal may not exceed three single-spaced pages
(excluding references). You may also add additional pages of figures,
tables, graphs, etc. Specifically, please include the following: (1)
Research topic and conceptual framework; (2) Key research questions; (3)
Short description of data and methods (if applicable); (4) Key findings (if
applicable); (5) Challenges (the area on which you would like to focus
discussion); (6) Three keywords that describe your proposal; and (7)
Faculty + rank or Ph.D. student + year in program.

Please send proposals via email to YoungKi Park (ykpark at gwu.edu) and James
S. Denford (Jim.Denford at rmc.ca) by *July 30, 2016. *Also, feel free to have
any questions via emails.

*Some e**xample **t**opics but not limited to: *

-        Empirical studies that applies set-theoretic QCA methods

-        IS theory building and/or testing with QCA

-        Methodological comparison of QCA with traditional methods

-        Benefits of using QCA in the IS research areas

-        Limitations and challenges of set-theoretic QCA methods in
applying to IS research

-        Small, medium, and large N case QCA studies

-        QCA studies for multiple levels – individual, team/group,
organization, industry, country, population, field

-        Investigating the holistic aspects of complex systems with QCA

-        Building novel, richer IS theories with QCA

-        Revealing new aspects of extant IS theories with QCA

-        IT impact on organizational performance – synergetic,
complementary, substituting effects

-        Multifaceted, inconsistent roles of digital technologies such as
enabling vs. inhibiting and core vs. peripheral roles

-        Multiple design solutions for new IT systems depending on
organizational and environmental contexts

-        Investigating the complex dynamics of new IT systems development,
digitization with QCA

-        IS relationships with organizational capabilities such as dynamic
capability, agility, ambidexterity, and absorptive capacity.

-        Design and governance aspects of IT, for example, IT
governance, enterprise
architecture design, IT outsourcing governance with QCA

-        Social network analysis with QCA

-        Configurational analysis for digital ecosystems, smart device

YoungKi Park

Assistant Professor, ISTM

George Washington University

ykpark at gwu.edu

James S. Denford

Royal Military College of Canada

Jim.Denford at rmc.ca

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