[AISWorld] Still Time to Participate in ICIS 2017 in Seoul

Youngjin Yoo yxy23 at case.edu
Sun Aug 20 22:06:54 EDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We have received a record number of submissions (almost 1400) to ICIS 2017.
All authors have been notified by now. We expect an exciting array of
papers, panels, and tutorials. We would like to thank those who submitted
their work to the conference. We would like to also thank the entire team
of Track Chairs, AEs and reviewers who volunteered their precious time to
review the submissions and provided invaluable feedback to authors to
improve the quality of the research.

Even though the official deadline for the regular submission for ICIS is
over, we still have ample opportunity for you to join us in Seoul. Whether
you missed an opportunity to submit your paper to ICIS or your submission
was not accepted, there are still more than one ways to join us in Seoul.

*(a) The "Paper-a-thon” at ICIS 2017 is accepting proposals until September

This is the first-ever ICIS paper hackathon, and is intended to foster new
collaborations through an innovative hackathon format. Participants will
have 24 hours to initiate a new collaboration and to develop a research
paper under the guidance of an experienced mentor. The idea is to work out
the basics of a research paper, which will be presented to and evaluated by
a panel of editors from leading IS journals. The top three papers will be
presented later during the main ICIS conference in a full paper
presentation session and be fast-tracked for publication at the Journal of
the AIS.

Due to logistical reasons, space is limited. To be considered for
participation, please submit a 1-3 page proposal (*by September 1st*)
describing what you can bring to the collaboration - proposals with
original data sets, methodological specialty, theoretical or domain
expertise, even good writing and story telling skills are all welcome. Each
proposal should come from an individual describing that individual's unique
skills and contributions. Research teams are welcome to apply - but each
member must submit an individual proposal. Individuals who bring data sets
need to clarify their rights to the data sets and certify that they have
the rights to use the data for a new research paper.

Note that the paper-a-thon is NOT a paper development workshop where you
can work on papers that you already have. It is about creating something
new, with new collaborators, and new ideas. *Please do NOT  submit
completed papers.*

For more information, see https://icis2017.aisnet.or
g/submissions/tracks/track2/.  Please direct any inquiries to the
Paper-a-thon co-chairs Nick Berente (berente at uga.edu), Jungpil Hahn (
jungpil at nus.edu.sg) and/or Ching Ren (chingren at umn.edu).

*(b) Pre- and post-ICIS meetings. *

There are several ancillary meetings where you can present your research
at. The complete list can be found at https://icis2017.aisnet.
org/events/ancillary-meetings/. You can contact the organizers directly to
learn more about specific deadlines and submission details.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact any one
of us. We look forward to seeing you all in Seoul!

Best wishes,

ICIS 2017 in Seoul, Program Co-Chairs

Christina Soh (acsoh at ntu.edu.sg)
Ola Henfrdisson (ola.henfridsson at wbs.ac.uk)
Youngjin Yoo (youngjin at case.edu)

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