[AISWorld] CFP: 2017 Workshop on Business Processes and Services

Fan, Shaokun shaokun.fan at oregonstate.edu
Wed Sep 13 11:51:55 EDT 2017

Call For Papers: 2017 Workshop on Business Processes and Services
Workshop website: http://sigbps2017.conferency.com<http://sigbps2017.conferency.com/>
Submission guideline: http://sigbps2017.conferency.com/submission-guidelines<http://sigbps2017.conferency.com/submission-guidelines/>
December 10, 2017, Seoul, South Korea
The recent decade has witnessed an unrelenting exponential growth in digital technologies that transform how we interact, live and work - from communication to entertainment to employment. Data-intensive corporations are emerging and capitalize on entire new resourcing models (e.g., Uber and Airbnb), while crowdsourcing (e.g., Kickstarter) and crowdsolving (e.g., Kaggle) websites provide access to the world's expertise. Artificial Intelligence and robotics, (e.g. self-driving cars, drone delivery, robotic process automation) are reshaping entire industries and their traditional business models. At the same time, solutions such as Blockchain facilitate the exchange of trusted value over the Internet, creating entire new business propositions. This new opportunity-rich environment fosters innovation in a digitalized world, enabling data-intensive business processes and the design of hyper-personalized processes and services.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for academics and practitioners to identify and explore the issues, opportunities, and solutions in the area of digital innovation and business transformation. The workshop covers all aspects of BPS research and practice, including theory, management, applications and technology.
Given the nature and purposes of this workshop, we invite papers of no more than eight pages that are well articulated and formatted in single line spacing, Times New Roman, 12pt, 1 inch margins. We particularly seek position papers but also welcome conceptual papers with a strong theoretical flavor, as well as completed research papers or research-in-progress papers.
Suggested research topics include, but not limited to, the following:
*         Process innovation and the process of innovation
*         Business process transformation
*         Data-and knowledge intensive business processes
*         Social process management
*         Process and process network architectures
*         Innovative service design and delivery models
*         Cloud computing and process management
*         Collaborative processes management
*         Mobile processes and services
*         Organizational and cultural issues in process and services transformation
*         The future of work in processes
*         Process mining and intelligence
*         Process management methodologies
*         Governance of processes and services in the digital age
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: Oct. 1, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: Oct. 22, 2017
Final Version Due: Nov. 6, 2017
Conference Chairs:
Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Harry Jiannan Wang, University of Delaware, USA
Program Chairs:
Shaokun Fan, Oregon State University, USA
Noyan Ilk, Florida State University, USA

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