[AISWorld] Assistant professor Business Administration - Information

Helms, Remko remko.helms at ou.nl
Thu Sep 14 10:43:07 EDT 2017

At the Open University we have a vacancy for an Assistant professor Business Administration - Information Systems (1,0 fte).


As an assistant professor in Business Administration - Information Technology, you are widely employable. You develop, provide, manage, test and evaluate allotted coherent scientific teaching tasks within the Master Business Information Systems & Management, the Bachelors of Business Administration and Information Systems and the other related courses of the faculty. You will also assist students in their learning process, including the graduation projects of these programs. In addition, you also perform and acquire research (second and third fund flows) in line with the faculty's research plan. You act as supervisor for PhD students, regularly publish (inter)national publications and actively disseminate the results of your own research and developments in the field. You will participate in working groups, committees and/or project teams within the faculty.


You have completed an academic study and have obtained a doctorate in a subject relevant to the position. You have extensive (international) research experience in the field of information science and/or business administration. You have shown to possess scientific creativity, productivity and impact, as evidenced by various publications. You have proven experience in recruiting external projects. You are interested in the broader context of the subject area, such as the relationship between business and IT, IT Governance, Data Science Management, and/or Enterprise Architecture and affinity with education and research linked to the interaction between business (processes) and IT. You have ample teaching experience with various forms of work (such as blended learning, project supervision, guidance from graduates). You are in possession of the Basic Education Qualification (BKO) or you are ready to obtain this within a short period of time. You have good communicative and social charac  teristics and are able to work in a team. We also invite candidates who do not yet fully comply with this profile to respond.


The salary will be determined on the basis of your education, experience and qualifications but will be in accordance with the general salary scales 11-12 of the CAO-NU. An indication of the maximum gross salary is ? 5,405.= per month.

The Open University has excellent labor conditions in terms of mobility, part time work and paid parental leave.


Temporary, temporary position for 4 years


Utrecht or Heerlen

Additional information

For more information about this vacancy you can contact prof. dr. R. Kusters (Chair of the Department) by e-mail: rob.kusters at ou.nl<mailto:rob.kusters at ou.nl<mailto:rob.kusters at ou.nl%3cmailto:rob.kusters at ou.nl>>, tel: 045-5762975 or check https://www.academictransfer.com/employer/OU/vacancy/42497/lang/en/

For additional information about the Open Universiteit, you can visit our websites www.ou.nl<http://www.ou.nl<http://www.ou.nl%3chttp:/www.ou.nl>>.

The research program of the faculty can be found here: https://www.ou.nl/onderzoek-wetenschapsgebieden

Prof.dr.ir. Remko Helms | Professor in Information Systems | Open University

Program leader bachelor Information Science | Rated as top program in 2017 in The Netherlands!

Open University - Faculty of Management, Science & Technology
Milton Keynes Gebouw - Valkenburgerweg 177 - 6419 AT Heerlen - The Netherlands
Secretary: +31(0)45 576 2828

Research director at Busines Intelligence & Smart Services institute (BISS<http://www.biss-institute.nl/?lang=nl>)
Member of Association for Information Systems (AIS<http://ais.site-ym.com/>)
Editorial board member of the Journal of the AIS (JAIS<http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/>)
Secretary of the AIS Region 2 Board governing the ECIS conference

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