[AISWorld] SIG-Enterprise Systems Pre-ICIS Workshop 2017: Call for Papers

Felix Tan f.tan at unsw.edu.au
Sun Oct 22 00:09:25 EDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,


*** 10th December 2017 ***
*** Seoul - South Korea ***

Hosted by
The Enterprise Systems Special Interest Group (ES-SIG) <http://www.ais-siges.com>

Workshop Committee:
Darshana Sedera, Monash University, Darshana.Sedera at monash.edu.au
Felix Ter Chian Tan, UNSW Business School, f.tan at unsw.edu.au
Saonee Sarker, University of Virginia, saonee.sarker at comm.virginia.edu
Chee Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School, ct.digi at cbs.dk

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 30th October 2017
Acceptance notification: 10th November 2017
Workshop: 10th December 2017

Call for Papers:
Enterprise systems (ES) still represent one of the major investment decisions of many public or private, large or medium-sized organizations for IT-induced organizational change. Organizations expect positive outcomes such as increased efficiency, effectiveness, and a better ability to face the competitive pressures. Organizations see improving business processes at both the organizational and inter-organizational levels, achieving standardization but also agility, and promoting business innovation as some of the means to reach those objectives. In spite of those ES capabilities and opportunities, organizations still often find it challenging to realize ES benefits in practice. This amid exciting new opportunities presented by integrating on premise with Cloud applications and services, Big Data or Analytics features and other new technologies. They require new ways of thinking about processes, system development, and enterprise architecture but also work practices, cultures and identities.

Workshop Objectives:
The special interest group of Enterprise Systems has been hosting its Pre-ICIS workshops since 2006. The primary objective of the workshop is to provide an open and constructive discussion forum of important ES research. The workshop intends to be developmental, in that it will showcase completed and in-progress research, with the intention of improving them to a journal submission. The authors are particularly encouraged to leverage novel theoretical perspectives and approaches to better understand, the design, implementation issues, and consequences of ES for people, work, organizations and society. The organizing committee intends to employ the workshop to identify new ES research domains and to share and develop innovative approaches of ES research.

We welcome qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, conceptual works and papers that examine research methods appropriate for ES research. We encourage submissions from researchers representing all ontological
perspectives. Our intention is to provide a forum for bringing together researchers with similar interests both to share their current work and to plan future directions for the field. We also hope to stimulate future
collaboration in research development.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*       ES and Digital Transformations: implications for work contents, people, processes and technologies.
*       Technology Enhancements and ES, e.g. RFID, Web Services, Virtual Reality and Mobile Applications
*       Data Analytics and ES
*       Challenges and issues of ES in highly mobile environments
*       Organizational Change, Culture and Organizational Learning
*       Organizational and Business Impacts of ES
*       Social and Behavioral issues related with ES implementation and use.
*       Decision structures, information governance and ES
*       Extended Enterprise Systems selection, implementation and usage issues
*       Alignment of business, process and IS architecture
*       Cross-country comparisons of ES design, implementation, use and post-adoption.
*       ES, social networking and collaboration
*       New directions in pedagogies on ES

Submission deadline: 30th October 2017*
Authors are encouraged to submit papers on high quality research (completed, research in progress and issues and opinion research) that are original. The authors are required to submit a cover page of the submission.
Maximum length: 5000 words including all titles, abstracts, figures, tables, but exclude references.
Formatting: All submissions must be formatted for 8½ x 11 inch page (1 inch = 2.5 cm) and have 1 inch margins all around. Please use Times New Roman 12-point font with double spacing for the body of the paper.
File Formats: Word and PDF file formats will be accepted.
Submissions will undergo a blind review process. All authors should agree to provide timely reviews of at most two other submissions, if requested.

Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to the workshop program co-chair: Darshana Sedera (darshana.sedera at gmail.com), with the subject heading "Enterprise Systems Workshop Submission." Authors can use the body of the email as the cover letter for the submission and should ensure that their identities do not appear in any part of the manuscript. The first page of the manuscript should have a title, the type of the submission (complete research, issues and opinion, or research in progress), total word count of the submission, an abstract of 200 words or less, and a list of 5-6 keywords.

*Authors may write to Darshana Sedera should a short extension be required.

Authors of accepted papers should make sure that the following steps are taken:
1.     At least one author has to register for the workshop by November 15th, 2017.
2.     Each author should provide a short bio of up to 150 words by that date by email. This bio will be listed in the workshop program.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the SIGES website. This inclusion should not affect full versions of the papers to be published later in journals. Best papers from the workshop in 2016 were invited for a special issue submission to the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) in 2017. Selected papers from the workshop will be considered for publication in a ranked journal to be announced.
Best Papers Fact-Tracked submission to Journal (To be announced) due date: 1st Feb 2018

Please visit the ICIS'17 website for accommodation information including conference hotels and rates. Please note that the registrar and conference planner are still working on our room assignments. Once done, the workshop will be listed on the main registration links. We thank you for your patience.

Please visit the ICIS'17 website for accommodation information including conference hotels and rates.

Dr. Felix Ter Chian Tan | Senior Lecturer | School of Information Systems and Technology Management
UNSW Business School | UNSW Australia
Level 2, West Wing | Quadrangle Building | UNSW Sydney 2052
Telephone: +61 (2) 9385 7124 | Fax Telephone: +61 (2) 9662 4061 |
E f.tan at unsw.edu.au<https://mail.unsw.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=GYyqqDWjzk2r4a6Ku9t2jihWD9PPqM8IwDYCJKAo3hWZztFw2YXC3m8p9UzVAv8FqhqbGE0FWHA.&URL=mailto%3af.tan%40unsw.edu.au> | | Web www.business.unsw.edu.au<http://www.business.unsw.edu.au>

陈德泉| 讲师| 澳大利亚商学院| 新南威尔士大学
电话: +61 (2) 9385 7124 | 传真: +61 (2) 9662 4061
电邮: f.tan at unsw.edu.au<https://mail.unsw.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=GYyqqDWjzk2r4a6Ku9t2jihWD9PPqM8IwDYCJKAo3hWZztFw2YXC3m8p9UzVAv8FqhqbGE0FWHA.&URL=mailto%3af.tan%40unsw.edu.au> | 网址: | www.business.unsw.edu.au<http://www.business.unsw.edu.au>

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