[AISWorld] CFP JASIST Special Issue on Information Behaviour and Information Practices

David Allen [LUBS] D.Allen at lubs.leeds.ac.uk
Thu Nov 30 23:11:05 EST 2017

Special Issue of JASIST: Information Behaviour and Information Practices: A Special Issue for Research on People's Engagement with Technology

Guest Editors

David Allen: University of Leeds (da2 at leeds.ac.uk)
Stan Karanasios: RMIT University (stan.karanasios at rmit.edu.au)
Gary Burnett: Florida State University (gburnett at fsu.edu)
Lisa M. Given: Swinburne University of Technology (lgiven at swin.edu.au)


The Special Issue aims to bring together scholars interested in the ways people engage with technology and the way it changes how people interact with information. It is concerned with research that illuminates people's experiences with and perceptions of information within the traditions of information behavior (Wilson, 1999) or information practice (Savolainen, 2007). A major objective of the Special Issue is to highlight the contribution of the discipline of information studies by highlight the contribution of the discipline of information studies by collecting together outstanding research studies that address the theme.

Submissions should broadly address or relate to the following aspects in their contribution to theory and practice:

Theorizing information behaviour and information practice: While there is a well-established body of theoretical frameworks and models (Case & Given, 2016; Fisher et al., 2005), there are questions around how these help conceptualize the changing relationship between technology and information.  We are particularly interested in new theoretical perspectives and theoretical developments-such as the 'practice-turn', affordances and socio-materiality (Gibson, 1977; Orlikowski, 2007; Schatzki, 2001)-and the way these theories can contribute to information studies and demonstrate that the discipline offers a fertile landscape for expanding these theories. The contexts of research relevant to this theme could include (but are not limited to) marginalized communities, workplaces, leisure activities, or politics.

Methodological developments: New and evolving technologies, and the data they generate, afford new opportunities for studying information behaviors and practices. The Special Issue is concerned with how information scholars are rising to these challenges and developing or building upon existing methods to take advantage of technological advances to understand information in a far more nuanced and fine grained manner. For instance, how does data generation by devices (e.g. mobile, social, Internet of Things and smart objects) allow us to arrive at new understandings of people's information experiences?

Submissions that only offer a descriptive analysis and do not offer a contribution to theoretical developments will be not be considered for review. Ideally, submissions will provide new understandings of information behavior and information practice, as well as enrich methodological and theoretical discourse. We seek relevant and rigorous submissions that address one of the aforementioned areas. Submissions will be evaluated using rigorous criteria associated with high quality academic research.


Submission deadline: 31st of March 2018

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the JASIST Submission Guidelines
(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2330-1643/homepage/ForAuthors.html). The complete manuscript
should be submitted through JASIST's Submission System (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jasist). To insure that your
submission is routed properly, please select "Yes" in response to "Is this submission for a special issue?" and specify
"Information Behaviour and Information Practices" when prompted later.

Editorial Team 

Annemaree Lloyd, Professor, Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Sweden.
Antonio Lucas Soares, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal.
Bonnie Nardi, Professor, University of California, USA.
Boyka Simeonova, Lecturer, Loughborough University, UK.
Crispin Coombs, Reader in Information Systems Loughborough University, UK.
Eric Meyers, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, USA.
Heidi Julien, Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies, University at Buffalo, USA.
Joyti Mishra, Lecturer, University of Bradford, School of Management, UK.
Karen Nowé Hedvall Senior Lecturer, Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Sweden.
Katherine Howard, Lecturer, RMIT University, Australia.
Kevin Rioux, Associate Professor, St. John's University, USA.
Marcia Mardis, Associate Professor, Florida State University, USA.
Marianne Lykke Professor, Department of Communication and Psychology, Department of Communication Aalborg University, Denmark.
Mega Subramaniam, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, USA.
Natalie Pang, Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Rebekah Willson, Lecturer, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, UK.
Tanja Svarre Jonasen, Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Communication Aalborg University, Denmark.
Tina Du, Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia, Australia.


Case, D. O., & Given, L. M. (2016). Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior (4th ed.). Bingley: Emerald.
Fisher, K. E., Erdelez, S., & McKechnie, L. (2005). Theories of Information Behavior. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc.
Gibson, J. L. (1977). A Theory of Affordances. In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, Acting and Knowing: Toward an Ecological Psychology (pp. 67-82). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Orlikowski, W. J. (2007). Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work. Organization Studies, 28(9), 1435-1448.
Savolainen, R. (2007). Information beviour and information practice: Reviewing the "umbrella concepts" of information-seeking studies. Library Quarterly, 77(2), 109-132.
Schatzki, T. R. (2001). Introduction: Practice Theories. In T. R. Schatzki, K. K. Cetina, E. von, & E. v. Savigny (Eds.), The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory (pp. 1-14). Routledge: London.
Wilson, T. D. (1999). Models in information behaviour research. Journal of Documentation, 55(3), 249-270. 

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