[AISWorld] CFP: Openness in Research and Practice @ AMCIS 2018

Georg Link glink at unomaha.edu
Thu Dec 21 10:44:48 EST 2017


Conference dates: August 16-18, 2018
Location: New Orleans, LA
Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2018 (Central Time noon)

*Description of Track: Openness in Research and Practice*

The track seeks research papers in all things related to “openness” and the
sharing of information in organizations and society. Papers in this track
will be those that share new ideas about theoretical and empirical research
on the wide range of phenomena emerging at the intersection of Information
Systems and various forms of legal, technological, organizational, and
societal openness.

Relevant topics for papers include: New modes of knowledge creation
embedded in open source and open content licensing, radical inclusivity of
the crowd to share knowledge, effort and value, the tearing down of
traditional organizational boundaries to enable new forms of innovation, or
the reinvention of commons or open spaces to share information related to
education, science, and democratic participation. Openness continues to be
a transformative force that demands the rigorous and considered
investigation of the Information Systems community. This track provides a
forum to further our understanding of these dynamic and complex ideas.

*Track Co-Chairs*:

   1. Matt Germonprez, University of Nebraska at Omaha, germonprez at gmail.com
   (primary contact)
   2. Daniel Schlagwein, University of New South Wales, (Australia)
   schlagwein at unsw.edu.au

*Minitrack 1: Stakeholders in Open Source Software*
Katherine Chudoba, kathy.chudoba at asu.edu
Donald Wynn, dwynn1 at udayton.edu

We invite submissions to the mini-track, ‘Open Source Software’ within the
Openness in Research and Practice track for AMCIS 2018. This mini-track
welcomes theoretical, empirical, and intervention research, in either
completed research or emergent research forum (research-in-progress)
format, which relates to OSS development and use. We seek submissions
around topics related to the OSS stakeholders, including those who
collaborate in the creation of OSS (i.e. volunteers, paid developers,
students, consultants, educational institutions, for-profit companies,
foundations, governments) and those who use OSS (i.e. individuals,
educational institutions, for-profit companies, governments). Understanding
how these stakeholders interface with each other historically and presently
through the software, OSS platforms (i.e. GitHub), social networks,
licenses, norms, culture, financial exchanges etc. is of interest for this
mini-track. Further, the impact of these interactions on individual and
organizational behaviors and individual psychological outcomes would fit
with the theme of the mini-track.

*Minitrack 2: Peer Production Project Health*
Georg Link, glink at unomaha.edu
Eleni Constantinou, eleni.constantinou at umons.ac.be
Bram Adams, bram at cs.queensu.ca

Peer production projects include open source, citizen science, or
crowdsourcing communities, where the community is driving product
innovation. Given the increasing strategic value of peer production for
companies, defining and measuring health of peer production projects has
become essential for community managers and other stakeholders. Healthy
peer production projects should produce quality outcomes, be long-lived,
and be self-sustained. Health is enabled by community growth, financial
resources, and collaboration tools. An additional challenge is assessing
and monitoring health within peer production ecosystems of interrelated
projects. Relevant papers should investigate not only the definition of
peer production project health but also metrics to measure health and the
context in which these metrics should be interpreted. Furthermore, we are
interested in the impact of health on projects and the whole ecosystem they
are participating in as well as the impact of using metrics, for example,
the potential for gaming the metrics.

*Minitrack 3: Sustainable Open Business Models and Ecosystems*
Joseph Feller, jfeller at ucc.ie
Gaye Kiely, gaye.kiely at ucc.ie

Legal, technological, economic, procedural, and structural openness affords
individuals, organisations and communities the opportunity to sustainably
create and capture value in novel and powerful ways. However, this value is
predicated on the adoption and/or development of appropriate business
models, organisational forms, and ecosystems. We are interested in research
exploring the tough questions raised by openness. This mini-track invites
research papers, research-in-progress papers, and panels on topics relating
to sustainable open business models and ecosystems. We are interested in
the application of openness to diverse contexts and the sustainability of
the business models and ecosystems that emerge. We welcome a broad range of
empirical and conceptual work, drawing on a range of research methods
including quantitative, qualitative, design science, action research,
literature reviews, and other approaches.

Georg J.P. Link
PhD Student
College of Information Science and Technology | PKI 367
University of Nebraska at Omaha | www.unomaha.edu

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