[AISWorld] new date, Location Analytics workshop Santa Barbara

Michael Gould MGould at esri.com
Wed Dec 27 13:05:39 EST 2017

Dear all.  On September 13, I sent this call for participation at an invited workshop hosted by Esri and University of California Santa Barbara. Just as we were about to start, earlier this month, the Santa Barbara (Thomas) fire forced us to postpone. In doing so a few of our participants were forced to drop out.

This opens 2-3 slots for the new date (coming up real soon): 31 January to 2 February.



It was a pleasure meeting many of you at the ISIS (Dublin) and AMCIS (Boston) conferences.

We sponsored in Boston and many of you came by the Esri booth to ask about our Location Analytics solutions, providing a unique spatial view on business and other logistics problems.
And many were surprised to hear that their university already possesses a campus site license of Esri software, so there's nothing we need to sell you. :)

Our rapid growth in the commercial markets (real estate, marketing, banking,...) has created a vacuum in terms of young researchers who are trained and working with Location Analytics.
Are you already working on spatial problems, or planning to do so?  Might this be your next competitive advantage? If so, we invite you and your colleagues to apply for a scholarship (travel and hotel costs) to the upcoming 3-day workshop bringing together Location Analytics practitioners and university researchers.

At the workshop we will take time to review the areas of mutual benefit for our clients and for your research and teaching agenda.


The stated deadline is September 15 but as this message is going out late we can be somewhat flexible.  Deadline now January 5.


If you or a colleague would like to be included, or for further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michael Gould, PhD | Global Education Manager
Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
M +1 909 553 6061 | Twitter: @0mgould | mgould at esri.com<mailto:mgould at esri.com> | esri.com


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