[AISWorld] CFP: 2018 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018), Qingdao, China

Patrick Fan wfan at vt.edu
Mon Jan 15 23:14:24 EST 2018

The 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018)
will be hosted by Qingdao University in Qingdao, China on June 23-24, 2018.
 The purpose of the workshop is to create a bridge to promote lively
exchange and collaborations between information systems scholars in China
and other countries, and to advance our understandings of how information
systems and technologies affect individuals, businesses, organizations, and
societies.  The theme of CSWIM 2018 is “Information Management Research in
the Big Data and AI Era”.

We welcome submissions of original research papers addressing
issues concerning the theory, design, development, evaluation, and
application of information systems and management. We also encourage
submissions of research-in-progress that are innovative and inspirational.
Research articles particularly sought after are those driven by real-world
business problems and validated with proper research methodologies.

The relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

● AI and its Business Applications

● Big Data Analytics

● Business Model Innovation

● Business Intelligence

● Cloud Computing

● Collaborative Systems and Applications

● Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation

● Data Science (e.g., Data/Text/Web Mining)

● Design Science

● Digital Products (e.g., Digital Currencies and Payments)

● Electronic Commerce

● Enterprise IT (e.g., CRM and SCM)

● FinTech

● Human-Computer-Interaction

● Healthcare Analytics

● Informatics

● Information Quality and Security

● Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing

● Internet of Things

● Knowledge Management Systems

● Mobile Analytics

● Mobile Business and Wireless Technologies

● Online and Virtual Communities

● Platform Economics and Strategy

● Privacy, Assurance, and Trust in IS

● Smart Home/City

● Social Networks, Social Media, and Social Commerce


Deadline for paper submission: March 15, 2018

Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2018

Deadline for final camera-ready version of accepted papers: May 31, 2018


Papers must be prepared using the word template (
submitted in PDF format through Conferency
<https://www.conferency.com/auth/login?conf=10> (you need to register an
account to submit your papers). All papers should not exceed 6 pages,
including abstract, text, figures, tables, and references.

Organizing Committee

Honorary Chairs

Dongwei Xia, Qingdao University, China

Workshop Co-Chairs

Weiguo Fan, Virginia Tech, USA

Alan Wang, Virginia Tech, USA

Song Zhang, Qingdao University, China

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs

Baozhou Lu, China University of Petroleum, China

Cheng Ma, Qingdao University, China

Publicity Chairs

Harry Wang, University of Delaware, USA

Jianyun Wu, Qingdao University, China

Luqing Ge, Ocean University of China, China

Qingfeng Zeng, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China

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