[AISWorld] DEADLINE EXTENSION - CFP: ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2018

Compeau, Deborah deborah.compeau at wsu.edu
Sat Jan 20 11:37:06 EST 2018

Please note that the deadline for submissions to SIGMIS CPR 2018 has been extended to January 27, 2018.

Call for Papers
ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2018

People Working with IT: Transforming Healthcare
Location: Buffalo - Niagara Falls, USA.
June 18-20, 2018

Conference website: http://sigmis.org/sigcpr2018/
Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmsigmiscpr2018

Posters, DC Proposals, Student Research Competition

Completed Papers

Submission deadline:

February 1, 2018

January 27, 2018

Notification of acceptance:

March 1, 2018

March 1, 2018

Camera-ready version:

April 1, 2018

For over 50 years, ACM SIGMIS CPR conference (Computers and People Research) has engaged the academic and practitioner communities in understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information technology and people. From its roots in the IT workforce, CPR has broadened its focus to deal with all aspects of this important and complex relationship. We are delighted to welcome the 2018 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference to the beautiful Niagara Falls region, in Buffalo, from June 18-20, 2018. The Buffalo Niagara region is a hub for IT research and healthcare research and development.
This year’s conference will feature both a general information systems track and a conference theme track.  In the general information systems track, we will feature topics at the intersection of information technology and people such as IT leadership, adoption, use, inclusion and workforce. For these topics, we invite submissions pertaining to the entire range of subject-areas pertaining to how information systems are designed, implemented, used, and managed by individuals, groups, organizations and society.
Additionally, we will have a conference theme track, focused on how IT is transforming healthcare. For this track, we invite papers examining how IT is transforming healthcare services, including their clinical, administrative, process-related, epidemiological or public health aspects. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the theme, we encourage submissions addressing multiple levels of analysis (individual, team, organization, and societal), and drawing on a variety of perspectives (healthcare, information systems, operations management, organizational behavior, computer science, economics, sociology, psychology, etc.). Suggested topics include, but are not limited to the following. In addition, we recognize that studies may span multiple levels. We would welcome submissions based on such studies.


  *   Use of information systems (e.g., apps) to transform health related behaviors
  *   Ways in which healthcare services and personal lives intersect to improve health outcomes
  *   Privacy and security of healthcare data
  *   Smart health and artificial intelligence developments
  *   Individuals’ role in healthcare delivery (e.g., co-creation, healthcare focused social networks)
  *   IT knowledge, skills, and abilities required in the 21st century healthcare workplace

  *   Digital transformation of health care delivery processes and operations
  *   IT and patient safety
  *   Emerging organizational configurations and structures of healthcare delivery (e.g., private, public, private-public partnership)
  *   Health information exchanges, architecture, and collaborative platforms
  *   Use of data analytics and artificial intelligence for healthcare decision support
  *   Health care process modelling (e.g., through data analytics, care pathway analysis)

  *   Big data, privacy and ethical concerns
  *   Population level impacts of IT on public health (e.g., analysis of large scale epidemiological data)
  *   Global evaluation of health care service transformation, encompassing influence of individuals, work and society
  *   Global (individual, organizational and policy) strategies for improving healthcare
  *   Comparison studies of public and private healthcare systems and the role of IS therein
  *   Global challenges in healthcare delivery
  *   Country level studies of healthcare delivery, including policy development related to IS
  *   Ethical and social issues in digital transformations in healthcare delivery

Doctoral Consortium
A doctoral consortium will take place as in previous years in conjunction with the CPR 2018 conference. It is meant for students spanning those at an early stage in their doctoral program to those who are more advanced and are at the stage of writing their dissertation proposal, and who are conducting research on a topic related to the conference theme or to the broad focus of the CPR conference on understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information technology and people. The purpose of the consortium is two-fold: 1) provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at a stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work, and 2) provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish to pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information systems and people.
Doctoral students must be nominated to the consortium by a faculty sponsor. Students nominated for the consortium should submit via email to Dr. Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel at uni-bamberg.de<mailto:tim.weitzel at uni-bamberg.de>) a 10-page research proposal (including all text, figures, and references) to be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified senior faculty mentors. The doctoral students selected to participate in the doctoral consortium will receive one round of written feedback on their proposal. At the conference, each student will have 15-20 minutes to present their research ideas and receive feedback in-person from experienced IS/healthcare researchers and fellow consortium participants. The doctoral consortium will allow activities in plenary mode and intense workshop sessions in smaller groups. The submission deadline for doctoral consortium application is the same as the general submission deadline. Accepted students may choose to publish the full proposal that was submitted for evaluation or an extended abstract of their proposal in the conference proceedings.
Funding will be available to assist with travel and registration fees to students selected for the doctoral consortium.

Student Research Competition
Student paper submissions will be entered into the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). Qualified entrants must have current ACM student membership, have graduate or undergraduate student status at the time of submission (January 2018). While not mandatory, entrants are encouraged to submit a letter from their advisor describing the specific contributions made by the student. Undergraduate and Graduate students will be treated in separate divisions (students starting their first year of graduate school at the time of the conference will be considered as undergraduates). For graduate students, only individual research is accepted for consideration by an SRC. The submission deadline for the student research competition is the same as the general submission deadline.

Format of Submissions
ACM SIGMIS CPR 2018 welcomes both completed papers and research-in-progress papers, the latter of which will be presented as posters. All papers must be original, unpublished elsewhere, and submitted on the ACM SIG proceedings template available for download from https://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. All reviewing will be double-blind.
●    Completed papers may include conceptual papers, empirical papers and industry case studies. They must not exceed 5000 words including all text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.
●   Research-in-progress papers must not exceed 2000 words including all text, figures, and tables. The abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.

Accepted papers will be published by ACM in the refereed conference proceedings. Authors of accepted papers may choose to publish complete papers or extended abstracts of their research in the conference proceedings. All completed research papers that are to be published in their entirety in the conference proceedings will be considered for the Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award. The Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper and other exemplar papers will be invited for publication in the DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems-the quarterly journal publication of ACM SIGMIS. Proceedings of all previous CPR conferences are available in the ACM Digital Library at http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm.

Conference Location
The city of Buffalo, New York has emerged as a major player in the healthcare sector with the development of a 120-acre medical campus in downtown Buffalo and its surrounding neighborhoods. This campus includes a new Medical School building of the State University of New York at Buffalo, New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, Buffalo Clinical and Translational Research Center, Hauptman Woodward Research Institute, Research Institute on Addictions, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Gates Vascular Institute, Buffalo General Hospital, and Buffalo Medical Group, among many other healthcare delivery and research facilities. The location of Buffalo will also afford us the unique opportunity to engage with some of the leading academics and practitioners in the healthcare community by way of a keynote address, a panel discussion, and a potential site visit to one of the major facilities in the Buffalo Niagara medical campus.

Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
Rajiv Kishore (rkishore at buffalo.edu<mailto:rkishore at buffalo.edu>)
Daniel Beimborn (d.beimborn at fs.de)<mailto:d.beimborn at fs.de)>
Rajendra K. Bandi (rbandi at iimb.ernet.in<mailto:rbandi at iimb.ernet.in>)

Program Co-Chairs
Benoit Aubert (benoit.aubert at dal.ca<mailto:benoit.aubert at dal.ca>)
Deborah Compeau (deborah.compeau at wsu.edu<mailto:deborah.compeau at wsu.edu>)
Monideepa Tarafdar (m.tarafdar at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:m.tarafdar at lancaster.ac.uk>)

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Atreyi Kankanhalli (atreyi at comp.nus.edu.sg)<mailto:atreyi at comp.nus.edu.sg)>
Pankaj Setia (psetia at walton.uark.edu)<mailto:psetia at walton.uark.edu)>
Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel at uni-bamberg.de<mailto:tim.weitzel at uni-bamberg.de>)

Local Arrangement Chair
Tejaswini Herath (therath at brocku.ca)<mailto:therath at brocku.ca)>
Communications Chair
Indira Guzman (Indira.Guzman at trident.edu<mailto:Indira.Guzman at trident.edu>)

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