[AISWorld] [CfP] AMCIS2018 - Minitrack 1: Big Data and Business Transformation

Ilias O. Pappas ilpappas at ntnu.no
Fri Feb 2 09:37:37 EST 2018

?Americas Conference on Information Systems- AMCIS 2018: Digital Disruption
New Orleans, LA
August 16-18, 2018

Minitrack 1: Big Data and Business Transformation

Mini Track Chairs: Ilias O. Pappas, Patrick Mikalef, Paul A. Pavlou

Deadline for Submissions: 28 February 2018

The minitrack aims to explore the business transformations big data entail, and how they are harnessed to enable innovative ways of conducting business and to support rapid decision making wi?th external stakeholders such as business partners, customers, and public authorities. Yet, to understand how big data can be of value requires an examination of the interplay between various factors (e.g., social, technical, economical, environmental). In order to gain insight and solve such challenges, research methods and accompanying theoretical perspectives need to go beyond the traditional scope of Information Systems. Papers that address topics on how information sources, technological infrastructure, human skills and knowledge, organizational/team structures, and management practices coalesce to achieve desired ends, are of increased interest. Emph?asis will be placed on interdisciplinary papers bridging organizational science, information systems strategic management, marketing, and computer science. The minitrack welcomes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods papers, as well as reviews, conceptual papers, and theory development papers?


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