[AISWorld] CFP (extension!): "Digital Adaptation, Disruption and Survival" - IRIS41

Sune Dueholm Müller sdm at processinnovation.dk
Sun Apr 15 14:53:50 EDT 2018



The 41st Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia (IRIS41)

August 5-8, 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark (http://mgmt.au.dk/research/innovation-entrepreneurship-and-information-systems/events/irisscis-conference-2018/)

Aarhus University welcomes you to the 41st Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia (IRIS41). IRIS41 will be held 5-8 August 2018 in conjunction with the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, under the auspices of the IRIS (Information Systems Research in Scandinavia) Association (http://www.iris-sjis.org). While most participants are from the Nordic countries, we welcome researchers from all parts of the world to ensure a multiplicity of perspectives in discussions and presentations.


Conference Theme: Digital Adaptation, Disruption, and Survival

Digital innovation impacts all aspects of society, and organizations are forced to use and adapt digital technology in their fight for survival in the face of digital disruption. Digital transformation is no longer only for the most daring businesses. Those who fail to innovate and embrace digital technology may be left behind and go out of business. A recent Gartner survey found that by 2017, 20% of all market leaders will have lost their dominant position to a company founded after the year 2000 because of their digital disadvantage. Organizations are looking for ways to keep up with fast-paced changes in customer demands, apply new technology in novel ways, and transform their businesses. However, as organizations strive to transform themselves, they often face significant challenges, obstacles, and unintended consequences that require new understanding of the role of digital technologies.


By selecting “Digital adaptation, disruption, and survival” as the conference theme, we want to encourage researchers to address questions such as: What do the concepts of “digital innovation”, “digital disruption”, and “digital transformation”actually mean? Which industries and organizations—private or public—are affected and how? How does digital technology impact business models and support new forms of consumption, such as those made possible by the sharing economy? What kinds of digital technology accelerate changes to the existing economic system? What are the downsides and critical aspects of current developments?


We therefore welcome submissions related to the prerequisites for, as well as the process and consequences of, digital innovation and digital transformation, including those that follow the introduction of new technologies. Such technologies may relate, but are not limited to, Internet of Things, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and cloud computing. Application areas include FinTech, MedTech, RegTech, welfare technology, and numerous others. We also welcome research into how societies, organizations, and individuals cope with the consequences of digital transformation and digital innovation, including how managers, employees, and consumers or citizens understand and respond to new developments.


Paper Submission

IRIS41 invites full research papers within the conference theme as well as other areas of IS research. Both empirical and theoretical as well as methodological papers are welcome.

Paper submission guidelines
Papers must be submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iris41scis9).
Papers must not exceed 6000 words (including references) and 16 pages.
Papers must comply with the Springer LNBIP formatting instructions (see http://mgmt.au.dk/research/innovation-entrepreneurship-and-information-systems/events/irisscis-conference-2018/call-for-papers-scis/).
Selected papers will be published in the AIS eLibrary.
Important dates

Submission deadline:              April 29, 2018.
Notification to authors:          May 17, 2018.
Final submission:                     June 15, 2018.
Early-bird registration:           June 15, 2018.

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