[AISWorld] WISE 11 Poland - extension

Lynette Drevin Lynette.Drevin at nwu.ac.za
Wed Apr 25 12:30:17 EDT 2018

Good day
You are hereby kindly invited to submit a paper  for the upcoming 11th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE11). 

WISE11 will be held in conjunction with the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC2018) in the exciting city of Poznan, Poland in September 2018. See the WISE11 website http://www.ifiptc11.org/wg118-events/wise11 for more information about WISE11 and the 24th World Computer Congress website http://wcc2018.put.poznan.pl/ for more information about IFIP WCC2018.
 Some important dates are:
Paper submissions and workshop proposals due: 27 April 2018. 7 May 2018
Notification of authors: 22 June 2018.
Delivery of camera-ready papers by authors: 6 July 2018. 
Please send this email to other interested people as well.
Hope to see you in Poznan.

Lynette Drevin
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