[AISWorld] Last CfP HICSS Minitrack on "AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration"

Soellner, Matthias matthias.soellner at unisg.ch
Tue May 22 07:58:00 EDT 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: HICSS52 "AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration Minitrack" (in "Collaboration Systems and Technologies" Track)

The HICSS is the longest standing scientific conference in the information systems and technology field. Since 1968, it has attracted high caliber scholars and professionals in academia, industry and government agencies around the world to present their cutting edge research. Throughout its 50 years of research HICSS authors have generated a sustained stream of innovative research ideas with 19,000+ publications, and many of them have resulted in seminal work. The 2016 impact factor was 2.4.

- June 15 | 11:59 pm HST : Paper submission deadline
- August 17 | 11:59 pm HST : Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for publication

TRACK: Collaboration Systems and Technologies (Bob Briggs, Jay Nunamaker)
MINITRACK: AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration


Artificial intelligence (AI) constitutes one of the most rapidly growing streams of research. However, despite the recent advances, we are still far away from a strong or general AI comparable to a human intelligence, especially when it comes to intelligence across certain domains or tasks. The breadth and scope for dialogue and experimentation needs to be broadened.

This minitrack provides a place for such dialogue and support of a diverse community interested in taking the challenge further. We welcome all papers that present research in this area, independent of the centrality and strength of AI, the domain they address, and the methodology they apply. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:

- Generalizable models, methodologies and theories to design and facilitate Human-AI-Collaboration
- Collaborative work practices in which AI acts as teammate
- Collaborative work practices in which AI facilitates human collaboration
- Approaches for a new division of labor in references to the task structure and capabilities of AI and humans
- Decision models for deciding whether, when and how to access human input.
- Strategies to prevent mistakes and shortcomings of individual collaborators and the noise in the contributions of individual workers
- Effectiveness of different training strategies in improving the performance of workers for accomplishing complex tasks
- Orchestration of learning (of the AI, from the AI, with the AI), e.g. human-in-the-loop learning
- Design of incentive structures for a given task
- Facilitation of continuous engagement in Human-AI-Collaboration
- User reactions when confronted with an AI collaborator
- Approaches for increasing user acceptance of systems with AI components
- Design, implementation and evaluation of exemplar instances of Human-AI-Collaboration
- Boundaries of Human-AI-Collaboration
- Legal aspects of Human-AI-Collaboration

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Matthias Söllner (Primary Contact)
University of Kassel & University of St. Gallen
soellner at uni-kassel.de<mailto:soellner at uni-kassel.de> & matthias.soellner at unisg.ch<mailto:matthias.soellner at unisg.ch>

Eva Bittner
University of Hamburg
bittner at informatik.uni-hamburg.de<mailto:bittner at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>

Philipp Alexander Ebel
University of Kassel
ph.ebel at uni-kassel.de<mailto:ph.ebel at uni-kassel.de>

Sarah Oeste-Reiß
University of Kassel
oeste-reiss at uni-kassel.de<mailto:oeste-reiss at uni-kassel.de>

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