[AISWorld] Extended CFP: DISE'2019, deadline June 07th

Denisse Muñante denisseal82 at gmail.com
Wed May 23 06:06:46 EDT 2018

 (Apologies for multiple postings)

The 1st International Track on Data-drIven Software Engineering (DISE 2018)
September 3 - 5, 2018
Lima, Peru

Call for Research Papers
   Research Paper Submission: *June 07, 2018*
   Notification: *June 30, 2018*
   Camera Ready: *July 21, 2018*

For further information on the call for submissions, please see

Being 2018 a special year for celebrating 50 years of tremendously
successful of research, education and practices in software engineering
(SE), SIMBig is pleased to present the DISE (Data-drIven Software
Engineering) track for its first edition. SE gains more and more importance
in research, high-reputed international conference series such as ICSE, ASE
and FSE and international journals such as TOSEM and TSE that offer
dedicated venues for discussing research advancements in SE. On the other
hand, thanks to the era of data software engineering has gained ground in
many fields introducing new technologies to support most of human actions
from housework to military actions. Hence, the DISE track aims to provide
an open forum for researchers, practitioners and educators in Peru and
Latin America i) to discuss their current work on data-driven software
engineering practices ii) to share experiences on the usage of data science
methods and tools in solving problems of software engineering and iii) to
identify the main challenges on the topic of knowledge transfer between
data science and software engineering communities.

Topics of interests
We aim at creating an occasion for discussing: new scenarios, methods and
techniques for DISE; new and emerging ideas about techniques for DISE;
experiences on trying to solve problems of SE exploiting users and
contextual data; synergies and interactions among cross-system DISE techniques
and methods. The topics include but are not limited to:
* Data-driven search based software engineering
* Model-driven software engineering for exploiting users and contextual
* Data-driven software evolution and maintenance
* Data-driven software adaptation
* Data-driven for self-* (self-management, self-adaptation,
self-protection, etc.) systems
* Data-driven security and privacy
* Data-driven software testing
* Data-driven requirement engineering
* Affective software engineering
* Data-driven educational SE
* Crowdsourcing for SE
* Ethical issues on data collection and exploitation
* Platforms and Infrastructure for data-driven SE
* Data-driven design pattern for SE
* Data-driven software quality and sustainability
* Non-functional aspects of Big Data Processing

Paper Submission
Papers should be submitted in *PDF format and in English*. They must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.

Submissions must be done through easychair:

Following the ACL template in latex: http://simbig.org/
or word: http://simbig.org/SIMBig2018/download/acl18-word.zip

We look forward full papers (up to 14 pages) and short papers (up to 7

Organization Committee
Denisse Muñante (munante at fbk.eu, d.munante at estia.fr)
Nelly Condori
Carlos Gavidia

Program Commitee
Alejandro Catala (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Cristian Lopez (Universidad de la Salle, Peru)
Daniel Rodriguez (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
David Gomez-Jauregui (ESTIA, France)
Davide Fucci (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Dietmar Pfahl (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Itzel Morales-Ramirez (Infotec, Mexique)
Joao Araujo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Jose Antonio Pow Sang (PUCP, Peru )
Lizeth Tapia (University of Oslo, Norway)
Manuel Munier (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France)
Nazim Madhavji (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Nour Ali (Brunel University London, UK)
Oscar Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Vanea Chiprianov (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France)
Vincent Lalanne (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France)
Yuanyuan Zhang (University College London, UK)
Yudith Cardinale (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela)

Best regards,
Denisse Muñante on behalf of DISE co-organizers
Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Carlos Gavidia

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