[AISWorld] Special issue on the gig economy

Stoney L. Brooks Stoney.Brooks at mtsu.edu
Sun May 27 13:15:42 EDT 2018

?On behalf of Dr. Zinta Byrne, Editor of the Journal of Managerial Psychology, please see the following with apologies for cross-posting.

Journal of Managerial Psychology invites papers for a special issue on "Work in the Gig Economy".  Guest Editors: Kristine Kuhn, Washington State University, and Tera Galloway, Illinois State University

"We define gigs as short-term projects or tasks for which workers are hired on demand." Psychologically-based research examining the implications of these work arrangements for both organizations and individuals has significant potential for novel scientific and practical contributions (Kuhn, 2016). For this special issue, we seek original quantitative and qualitative empirical research, as well as conceptual papers that advance theory and case studies grounded in rigorous scientific methods.

To be considered for the Special Issue, manuscripts must be submitted no later than June 25, 2018, 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process and will be evaluated by at least two reviewers and a special issue editor. Acceptance decisions will be based on the review team's judgments of the paper's contribution on four key dimensions:

(1)    Theoretical contribution: Does the article meaningfully extend existing theory in the field of managerial psychology?
(2)    Empirical contribution: Does the article offer novel findings derived from appropriate study design and data analysis?
(3)    Practical contribution: Does the article present practical implications for improving management practice or for helping gig workers manage their own careers?
(4)    Relevance to the special issue topic.

Authors should prepare their manuscripts for blind review according to the Journal of Managerial Psychology author guidelines, available at www.emeraldinsight.com/jmp.htm<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.emeraldinsight.com%2Fjmp.htm&data=02%7C01%7Cbkmiller%40txstate.edu%7Ca5c3b6e61c094c4dc74808d5b47a050b%7Cb19c134a14c94d4caf65c420f94c8cbb%7C0%7C0%7C636613359190138302&sdata=7H%2F70tyNjHNICi1OJ5%2BZdh%2BQWL6hwWrkZLy0DSjYtkQ%3D&reserved=0>  APA or AMJ format is acceptable. Remove any information that could potentially reveal the identity of the authors to reviewers. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jomp<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmc.manuscriptcentral.com%2Fjomp&data=02%7C01%7Cbkmiller%40txstate.edu%7Ca5c3b6e61c094c4dc74808d5b47a050b%7Cb19c134a14c94d4caf65c420f94c8cbb%7C0%7C0%7C636613359190138302&sdata=7%2FnSifhCZRsD5ffZFF4ebZXbylT7T0dpyu0k5fsgGjY%3D&reserved=0>. For enquiries regarding the special issue, please contact Kristine Kuhn at kmkuhn at wsu.edu<mailto:kmkuhn at wsu.edu>.

Important dates
Paper submission deadline: 25 June 2018
Acceptance notification: December 2018
Publication: December 2018 (online first)

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