[AISWorld] OR60 Healthcare Poster Opportunity

Nelson King nelson.king at ku.ac.ae
Sat Jun 2 02:54:34 EDT 2018

The OR Society is celebrating its 60th year of its annual conference, OR60 - http://www.theorsociety.com/Pages/Conferences/OR60/OR60.aspx . As part of this celebration, the Health Systems editors have organized a Healthcare Stream poster competition with cash prizes. Health Systems (HS) is an official Publication of the Operational Research (OR) Society. More information on the posters can be found on the OR Society website http://www.theorsociety.com/Blog/features/20180525081443.aspx
Taylor & Francis is now Health System's publisher. We are delighted by the enthusiasm and energy that they are bringing to the journal. Following are some of our target activities to grow the journal. We would welcome connecting with you, if you would like to work with us on these efforts:

  *   Expand efforts to work with small notable conferences or health care tracks of notable larger conferences to develop a few themed special issues (one per year). Please contact one of the editors, if you have an idea for a special issue or a smaller conference to target
  *   We would like to further expand our reach to the Far East and Asia and welcome opportunities for connection.
Health Systems may now be found on the Taylor and Frances web site at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/thss20/current . We encourage you to visit the web site to review the current list of journal areas and recently published articles. You can also sign up for notifications of new issues on the site.
We warmly encourage you to contribute your latest work to the journal. The Journal's online submission and peer review process is now managed via ScholarOne Manuscripts(tm). The submission site is available at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ors-hs.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding your role or the journal. For further information on Healthcare posters please contact one of the undersigned editors.
Thank you for your interest in Health Systems,
Paul Harper, harper at cardiff.ac.uk<mailto:harper at cardiff.ac.uk>, Cardiff University
Sally Brailsford, s.c.brailsford at soton.ac.uk<mailto:s.c.brailsford at soton.ac.uk>, University of Southhampton
Cynthia LeRouge, clerouge at fiu.edu<mailto:clerouge at fiu.edu>, Florida International University
Nelson King, nelson.king at ku.ac.ae<mailto:nelson.king at ku.ac.ae>, Khalifa University

Dr. Nelson King
Associate Professor
Industrial & Systems Engineering

P O Box 127788, Abu Dhabi, UAE
T +971 2 401 8229
F +971 2 447 2442
nelson.king at ku.ac.ae




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