de Vreede, Gert-Jan gdevreede at usf.edu
Mon Jul 2 02:28:45 EDT 2018

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences invites doctoral students (irrespective of stage in the program) to apply to become a HICSS Doctoral Fellow and participate in the HICSS Doctoral Consortium. Each year, HICSS provides networking and mentoring for specific for junior academics.

The Consortium will be held on the day before the main conference on Monday, January 7, 2019. The Consortium is free, but all participants must register for the HICSS conference.

The Consortium will help Doctoral Fellows advance one paper closer to journal publication through guidance from Faculty Mentors and other participants. Furthermore, the HICSS Doctoral Fellow program builds a community of scholars as Fellows develop life-long relationships with other Fellows and Faculty Mentors to become leaders within the HICSS family and their discipline.

*** New for 2019 is a conference-long career development track that will only be open to all Doctoral Fellows and other PhD students. Workshop and panel topics include publication best practices, research methods insights, and career planning advice. ***

We welcome applications to the Doctoral Consortium that cover the breadth of topics addressed at HICSS such as systems science, information systems, information science, and computer science. We also encourage the development of new research projects among Fellows and Mentors with shared interests, although this is not a formal part of the program.

2019 FACULTY MENTORS (tentative):
-Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen
-Robert Briggs, San Diego State University
-Sue Brown, University of Arizona
-Christer Carlsson, Abo Akademi University
-GJ de Vreede, University of South Florida
-Alan Dennis, Indiana University
-Douglas Derrick, University of Nebraska at Omaha
-K.D. Joshi, Washington State University
-Jay Nunamaker, University of Arizona
-Hans Jochen Scholl, University of Washington
-Jason Thatcher, University of Alabama
-Christian Wagner, City University of Hong Kong

Students should submit:
(1) a Summary of a completed research project or one that is in progress. This Summary should begin with the research question, and why it is important. The key reason for rejection at top journals is not because of problems with theory or method, but because the research question is not interesting.  The Summary should also include (where applicable) theory, methods, and results.  The Summary is limited to 5 pages, inclusive of all items, according to HICSS layout format.
(2) a CV.

To prepare and submit your application, please visit hicss.hawaii.edu/program-hicss52/doctoral-consortium/

The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2018 by 11:59PM Hawaiian time. (Please note, this is one month after the general conference paper submission deadline)
Students will be notified of acceptance by August 17, 2018.

For any questions, please contact the HICSS Doctoral Fellows & Consortium Chair: GJ de Vreede (gdevreede at usf.edu)

Gert-Jan de Vreede, PhD
Professor & Associate Chair, Information Systems & Decision Sciences
Muma College of Business, University of South Florida

Visiting Professor, University of International Business & Economics
Beijing, China

gdevreede at usf.edu - (813) 974 3392 - CIS2061

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