[AISWorld] Announcing Post-ICIS SIG Grounded Theory Method Annual Workshop - December 16th, 2018

Natalia Levina nlevina at stern.nyu.edu
Tue Oct 2 16:29:13 EDT 2018

Please join us for the 12th Annual SIG Grounded Theory Method (GTM) Annual Workshop in San Francisco. 

The workshop would take place on Sunday, December 16th, 1:30-7pm in San Fransisco following the ICIS conference.

Below is our SIG Workshop 2018 Program including keynotes on the state of qualitative research in IS by JAIS Editor-in-Chief Supra Sarker, methodological guidance on Positivist GTM and the use of Natural Language Processing in GTM Scholarship, and, our usual, published paper review process deconstruction. 

Please submit to our annual Troubleshooting Slam Session (deadline November 15th, 2016 - spots are limited!). 

The Troubleshooting Slam Session consists of a five minute presentations followed by five minute discussion, allowing researchers to discuss issues they are struggling with in using GTM during any stage of the project.  To participate on the slam session please email Natalia Levina (nlevina at stern.nyu.edu <mailto:nlevina at stern.nyu.edu>) by November 15th, 2016, providing an abstract (about 200 words) of your research and answering the following questions:
1)     Will you commit to registering and attending the workshop if your presentation is selected?(Yes/No)
2)     What is your name, affiliation, and stage of your career (e.g., PhD Student, non-tenured Faculty, tenured faculty)?
3)     What is the key issue you would like to be addressed to help you with your study? (One short paragraph)
4)     How do you use GTM? For which purpose? (One short paragraph)
Please also note that people are welcome to attend the workshop without presenting.  The workshop provides opportunities to participate throughout the program. 

*Students from universities in developing countries can attend for free.

Please join us! Regards,
Natalia Levina and Suprateek Sarker
Co-Chairs, International Workshop on Grounded Theory Methods @ ICIS2018

Natalia Levina
Professor of Information Systems, Toyota Motors Corp. Term Chair
Director of the Fubon Center for Technology, Business, and Innovation <http://www.stern.nyu.edu/fubon>
New York University
Stern School of Business
Information, Operation, and Management Sciences Dept.
www.boundaryspanning.org <http://www.boundaryspanning.org/> 

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