[AISWorld] PhD position in Information Systems/Business Process Management at Eindhoven University of Technology

Eshuis, H. H.Eshuis at tue.nl
Fri Nov 16 05:40:58 EST 2018

PhD position in the area of Information Systems/Business Process Management, Information Systems Group, School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
Vacancy ID: V39.3566
Intended starting date: 1 March 2019
The School of Industrial Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has a vacancy for a Ph.D. student in Information Systems/Business Process Management. The position is part of a cutting-edge international research project in the area of health innovation management, based on collaboration with a substantial group of organizations in research and practice in Europe and beyond.

Eindhoven University of Technology is one of the world's leading research universities (as ranked by the Times Higher Education Supplement). It is in particular well-known for its joint research with industry (ranked number one worldwide by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies). The Information Systems Group in the School of Industrial Engineering performs advanced research in the area of business process engineering, focusing on business process management (BPM) and business process intelligence (BPI). The group has a strong national and international reputation for both basic research in the academic community and applied research with industry. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to profit from the benefits that such an environment has to offer and to contribute to the ongoing research.

The Ph.D. position is part of a large health innovation project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. The project consortium comprises 20 members including universities, research institute, companies and public bodies from 6 European countries, US and Hongkong. The partners will develop new advanced treatments for low-back pain, based on biomaterials and so-called ATMPs (advanced therapy medicinal products). A smart digital platform will be developed at TU/e to efficiently manage the processes of developing and testing new biomaterials and ATMPs.

The main objective of the Ph.D. project is to research, design and develop concepts, techniques and prototype technologies for this smart digital platform that supports decision-intensive development and testing processes. Innovative information technology from the fields of Business Process Management (BPM) and Adaptive Case Management (ACM) will serve as foundation for the platform. The platform will keep smart track of different regulatory requirements to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of the development and testing process. Finally, the platform will also check compliance of the development and testing processes, including decisions, with pre-identified regulatory requirements, based on techniques from fuzzy modeling.

You, as a successful applicant, will perform the research project outlined above in an international research team. You will report research findings at international conferences and workshops, and in high-quality scientific journals.  The research will be concluded with a Ph.D. thesis. A small teaching load (on average about 10%) is part of the job description. The project will be supervised by dr.ir. Rik Eshuis, dr. Anna Wilbik, dr.ir. Irene Vanderfeesten, and prof.dr.ir. Paul Grefen.

You, as a successful applicant, have a Master's degree in Business Information Systems, Computer Science,  Industrial Engineering, Innovation Management, or a similar field of study. You have a strong affinity with interdisciplinary research that involves both Computer Science, Innovation Management and Health, as well as collaboration with health organizations. Candidates with a strong and verifiable interest in business process modeling and/or business process management are preferred. You are able to work on a challenging topic that has both basic and applied research aspects. Your communication skills are excellent as is your proficiency in English and your ability to collaborate in an international setting.

We offer:
* a challenging job in a dynamic and ambitious university;
* a PhD appointment for a period of 4 years with target start date of March 2019;
* gross monthly salary is ? 2266- in the first year up to  ? 2897,-  (gross) in the fourth year (on a full-time basis);
* a yearly holiday allowance of 8% and 8.3% end of year allowance;
* a broad package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, savings schemes, coverage of costs of publishing the dissertation and excellent sports facilities).

Your application must contain the following documents (all in English):
* cover letter (1 page max), which includes a motivation of your interest in the vacancy and an explanation of why you would fit well for the project;
* a detailed curriculum vitae;
* a course list of your Masters and Bachelor programs (including grades);
* results of a recent English language test, or other evidence of your English language capabilities;
* name and contact information of two references.

More information about the IS group can be found at http://is.ieis.tue.nl. Questions about this position can be addressed to dr.ir. Rik Eshuis (h.eshuis at tue.nl). Information about terms of employment can be obtained from Susan Opgenoorth, personnel officer (pz.ieis at tue.nl). Further information about the Eindhoven University of Technology can be found at http://ww.tue.nl. You can apply by pressing the <apply now> button for this vacancy on the TU/e web-site https://jobs.tue.nl/nl/vacature/phd-position-in-the-area-of-information-systems-business-process-management-373924.html. The deadline for applications is 31-12-2018. We don't accept applications send by e-mail. You can only upload the maximum of 5 documents. If you have more than 5 documents you will need to combine them.

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