[AISWorld] REMINDER, Limited places available ICIS Ancillary event: How to be an effective reviewer: A workshop for PhD students and junior faculty

Whitley,EA E.A.Whitley at lse.ac.uk
Fri Nov 30 12:25:00 EST 2018

Thursday December 13, 9AM-Midday
Organizer / contact: Edgar A. Whitley, co-editor, Information Technology and People 
Email:e.a.whitley at lse.ac.uk 
Room TBC 
Add this event to your ICIS registration by following the instructions at https://icis2018.aisconferences.org/icis-2018-workshops-and-pre-conference-events/

Please note, workshop room size constraints mean that places are limited.  

If you do sign up, please read the preparation information below.

This workshop will introduce PhD students and early career academics to the practices associated with being an accomplished, constructive and respected reviewer. Effective reviewers learn from the review process and, as a result, can see how to improve their own publications. Good reviewers are also recognised by the community and are often offered opportunities that enhance their academic profile, including journal editorial positions and conference track positions. The workshop will be interactive. Refreshments will be provided.

Workshop attendees will:
* develop an understanding of the life cycle of a review from a journal's perspective by following a paper through the review process and making a decision based on real reviews 
* recognise the range of ethical issues that can be faced by reviewers 
* appreciate how reviews can help develop papers at different stages of the review process
* understand the differences in review process across journals.

Attendees at previous versions of the workshop have spoken highly of the event.  Over 120 students and junior faculty have attended the workshops since 2016 They have said:
"a very insightful and useful session"
"it was invaluable"
"thanks for the great workshop"
"very kindly and carefully prepared workshop. I appreciate the lecture and also the following up activities that letting us sharing the reviews and positioning ourselves as the review managers. That helps me a lot to have a better understanding of a more complete review process than before.
After I go back, definitely will review the whole package and reflect on that. Also thanks for many of the hands-on knowledge shared at the workshop."
"The workshop is absolutely helpful"
"I found the workshop to be extremely insightful. I am sure I will use what I learnt time and again"
"I would love to recommend it to other people. Good structure, good materials, and also good lecturer who explains well ;) great opportunities to learn how to improve our own paper better as well."

PREPARATION (Important information for people who have signed up for the workshop)
In preparation for the workshop I would like to invite you to act as a reviewer for this paper http://personal.lse.ac.uk/whitley/paper.pdf . This is the version of a paper that was submitted to the journal I edit, Information Technology and People.

I would ask that you use the "review form" for the paper, based on the one used by the journal http://personal.lse.ac.uk/whitley/reviewform.doc . In addition, I please complete the short "reviewer information" form http://personal.lse.ac.uk/whitley/reviewerinformation.doc that asks a few questions about your own experiences with the reviewing (and authoring) processes.

In order to help me prepare for the workshop I would be grateful if you could 
a)	Return your "reviewer information" form to me by 3 December
b)	Return your review to me by 7 December.  (I am flying out for the IFIP 8.2 conference before ICIS so if your review is late, please bring along 5 printed copies - as well as sending the electronic version)

I will send further information about practicalities closer to the event.

I hope you enjoy reading (and reviewing) the paper and I look forward to meeting you at the workshop.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best wishes

Dr. Edgar A. Whitley
Associate Professor (Reader) in Information Systems
Department of Management, LSE

Co-editor, Information Technology and People

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