[AISWorld] Open-ranked professorship position in Management of Public Organisations

Tobias Mettler tobias.mettler at unil.ch
Fri Dec 7 05:33:32 EST 2018

Open-ranked professorship position in Management of Public Organisations

The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), part of the University of Lausanne’s Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration, is inviting applications for the full-time position of Professor in Management of Public Organisations.

The Faculty reserves the right to offer a position (full professor, associate professor or assistant professor with tenure track) at the most adequate level, depending on the applications received and their evaluation.

The ideal candidate will demonstrate excellent knowledge in the field of the strategic and operational management of public organisations. The candidate will be responsible for the teaching syllabus in this field across all the different programmes managed by IDHEAP. The candidate should also be able to advise—through contracted consultancy services, for example—the directors of these organisations on issues central to their proper functioning. To do so, the candidate should have a good understanding of the current paradigms in the field of organisational and administrative reform.

The candidate selected will hold a PhD in public administration, management science, public management or an equivalent award. Preference will be given to a candidate who is able to demonstrate a history of publication in the field’s best international scientific journals and has proven teaching experience at university level. The position's title will be determined by the candidate's publication history and academic experience.

Fluency in French and English is required. Candidates who do not possess the necessary skills in French will be granted two years grace in order to acquire the competences required to teach in that language.
Applications must be done online via our website, www.unil.ch/emplois<http://www.unil.ch/emplois>, and should include an exhaustive application dossier (a detailed academic CV with a description of your research interests, a list of publications and examples of your research work—zip files are acceptable) as well as the names and addresses of a maximum of three referees. Only candidatures received via our website will be considered.

Further information may be obtained from Prof. Andreas Ladner, Director of IDHEAP, University of Lausanne: andreas.ladner at unil.ch<mailto:andreas.ladner at unil.ch>

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