[AISWorld] [CfP] AMCIS2019 - Minitrack 3: Big Data for Business and Societal Transformation

Ilias O. Pappas ilpappas at ntnu.no
Sat Feb 2 05:49:51 EST 2019

AMCIS 2019:
Cancún, Mexico
August 15-17, 2019

Minitrack 1: Big Data for Business and Societal Transformation


Mini Track Chairs: Ilias O. Pappas, Patrick Mikalef, Paul A. Pavlou

Deadline for Submissions: 1 March 2019

The minitrack aims to explore the business and societal transformations big data entail, and how they enable innovative ways of conducting business supporting rapid decision making with external stakeholders such as business partners, customers, public authorities, and citizens. To understand how big data can be of value requires an examination of the interplay between various factors (e.g., social, technical, economical, environmental), as well as the interrelation between different actors in a big data ecosystem (e.g., academia, private and public organisations, civil society, and individuals).

Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary papers that bridge the domains of organizational science, information systems strategic management, information science, marketing, and computer science. Despite the hype surrounding big data, the aforementioned predicaments still remain largely unexplored, severely hampering the business and societal benefits of big data analytics. This mini track aims to add in this direction and therefore welcomes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods papers, as well as reviews, conceptual papers, and theory development papers. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

* Big data and management
* Data-driven competitive advantage
* Big data enabled organizational capabilities
* Big data strategic alignment
* Organizational learning and innovation from big data analytics
* Big data and its impact on business strategy-formulation
* Leveraging big data for social innovation and entrepreneurship
* Human resource management in the data-driven enterprise
* How big data shapes strategy and decision making
* Big data digital business models
* Big data and the dynamics of societal change
* Big data for social good
* The role of big data in social innovation
* Proactive strategy formulation from big data analytics
* Data and text mining for business analytics
* Behavioural and Recommender Systems Analytics
* Big data analytics for strategic value
* Social media analytics for business
* Data quality improvement for business analytics
* Application of big data to address societal challenges






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