[AISWorld] cfp 'AI at the Crossroads of NLP and Neuroscience' (IJCAI workshop928)

Michael Zock michael.zock at lis-lab.fr
Tue Mar 12 21:18:54 EDT 2019

(Apologies for cross-posting)



A.I. at the Crossroads of NLP and Neuroscience



*Location*: Macao, China (in conjunction with IJCAI-2019 

*Date*: 10th, 11th or12th of August, 2019

*Submission deadline*: 15th April 2019

*Conference website*: 

*Submission link*: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aixroads2019


  1Workshop Description

This one-day workshop will be held in Macao in August (10/11/12, 2019), 
in conjunction with the 28th International Joint Conference of 
Artificial Intelligence (https://ijcai19.org).

After many years of experimentation in research labs, Artificial 
Intelligence (AI) has moved into the arena of the real world. AI systems 
are currently used in many domains (e.g., medicine, finances and 
communication), outperforming humans in a broad range of acoustic-, 
visual- and natural language tasks.

Several facts may explain the reasons of this success: a) the growth of 
computational resources and storage devices; (b) the availability of 
huge amounts of data (Internet), and (c) the development of smart 
learning algorithms. Progress is also due to the fact that researchers 
have managed to leverage and integrate discoveries made in disciplines 
that seemingly had nothing in common (Linguistics, Psychology, 
Mathematics, and Neuroscience). Yet this complementarity turned out to 
be very useful, allowing us not only to build artifacts, but also to 
better understand the human information processor.

Finally, nature played an important role, as it inspired researchers by 
providing a model that, in order to be turned into sophisticated working 
solutions had to be understood, formalized and recast in engineering 
terms. Neural networks are a good example of this process as they 
represent a loose, yet very effective, imitation of the neural system. 
State-of-the-art neural architectures, such as Convolutional Neural 
Networks and Transformers, are directly inspired by biological (e.g., 
visual cortex) and cognitive (e.g., attention processes) models.

The goal of this workshop is to stimulate cross-fertilization between 
the different communities of the AI universe (e.g., Mathematicians, 
Linguists, Cognitive Scientists, Neuroscientists) in order to identify 
the knowledge needed to bridge the gap between Natural and Artificial 
Intelligence. More precisely, we would like to discuss whether and how 
the usage of knowledge concerning the human brain may enable engineers 
to produce better software.

Here are some of the questions for which we would like to find answers:

  * Can we get machines to learn as ordinary people do? Children induce
    rules on the basis of very few examples, containing even noisy data
    (few-shot learning ; learning of abstractions). Can we replicate
    this by a machine?
  * How can the learned knowledge be reused for new tasks?
  * How to improve the interaction between humans and machines?
  * Can knowledge of the brain mechanisms involving intelligence (sound,
    vision and language) help us to develop better architectures?
  * In what ways can the techniques developed in AI inspire cognitive
    scientists to get new ideas/theories, or, to help them to refine
    existing ones?
  * Is there a way for AI to exploit embodied representations ?
  * How can AI help us to solve problems in other disciplines, for
    example, NLP?
  * Can we make Natural and Artificial Intelligence cooperate in
    problem-solving, or, should the two be applied separately ?
  * If there is an interaction between the two, what should this look
    like? What are the interfaces and workflows?
  * What are the benefits for AI to mimic humans or the human mind while
    processing language?
  * Where in the development cycle and how shall AI engineers consider
    specific human aspects, such as the human brain/mind?
  * Specificities of humans and machines: how relevant is deep learning
    in modeling human thought?
  * Do we still need theories in the age of deep learning? Are there
    ways to interpret their results?
  * Is it possible to build a glass box and open the neural network
    black box?
  * What can NLP practitioners learn from network science (complex graphs)?
  * Can machines liberate us from the boring and mechanical aspects of
    problem-solving (logical proofs), to allow us to focus more on the
    creative aspects of the task?
  * How to build AI augmenting human intelligence, or, how to use human
    intelligence to augment AI?
  * Can we impose order and logic on an unordered set of ideas, by
    detecting the nature of the links between them automatically, to
    help authors in producing coherent texts?

  2Workshop Submissions

We accept regular workshop papers, which will be included in the 
proceedings pending acceptance. All submissions should be in PDF format, 
and be submitted via the following website: 
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aixroads2019. If you don’t have 
already an account with them, you will have to create one 

To allow for double-blind reviewing, the manuscripts should be devoid of 
information allowing author identification. Paper formats should comply 
with the IJCAI 2019 style sheets, available at: 

  * Regular Submissions Papers can be either full (8 pages of content +
    references) or short papers (4 pages + references) reporting
    original and unpublished research relevant for this workshop.
  * Accepted papers are expected to be presented by one of the authors
    at the workshop (oral presentation or poster). It is only under this
    condition that they will be included in the workshop proceedings.

If the same paper has been submitted to multiple conferences / 
workshops, the authors are asked to point this out at submission time. 
For papers to be presented at this workshop, they must be withdrawn from 
other venues.

  3Important Dates

  * Submission deadline: Apr 15, 2019(11.59 p.m., UTC-12h)
  * Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2019
  * Camera-ready version due: May 25, 2019
  * Workshop date: **Aug 10/11/12, 2019 (one out of these three)

  4Workshop Organizers

  * Michael Zock (CNRS, LIS, AMU, Marseille, France), psycholinguist
  * Yoed N. Kenett (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA),
  * Enrico Santus (MIT, CSAIL, Boson, USA), computational linguist
  * Mingyu Wan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), computational
  * Emmanuele Chersoni (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),
    computational linguist

  5Program Committee

       Mostly confirmed

  * Arenas, Alexander (Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain)
  * Bieman, Chris (Language Technology group, Universität Hamburg, Germany)
  * Bilac, Slaven (Google, Tokyo, Japan)
  * Blache, Philippe (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université)
  * Briot, Jean Pierre (LIP6, CNRS, Paris, France, and PUC-Rio, Rio de
    Janeiro, Brazil)
  * Brysbaert, Marc (Experimental Psychology, Ghent University, Belgium)
  * Chersoni, Emmanuele (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
  * deDeyne, Simon (Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences,
    University of Melbourne, Australia)
  * de Melo, Gerard (Rutgers University, USA)
  * Evert, Stefan (University of Erlangen, Germany)
  * Favre, Benoît (AMU, LIS, Marseille, France, and QUT, Brisbane,
  * Federmeier, Kara (Psychology, University of Illinois at
    Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  * Ferret, Olivier (CEA LIST, France)
  * Gardent, Claire (Loria, Nancy, France)
  * Gopnik, Alison (Dept. Of Psychology, University of California,
    Berkeley, USA)
  * Grefenstette, Gregory (Institute for Human & Machine Cognition ;
    Florida, USA)
  * Hees, Jörn (DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany)
  * Hovy, Eduard (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
  * Huang Chu-Ren (Hongkong Polytechnic University, China)
  * Kenett, Yoed N. (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  * Lee, John (City University of Hong Kong, China)
  * Lenci, Alessandro (University of Pisa, Italy)
  * Mihalcea, Rada (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
  * Navigli, Roberto(University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
  * Padó, Sebastian (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  * Pachenko, Alexander (Language Technology group, Universität Hamburg,
  * Pease, Adam (InfoSys, Palo Alto,CA,USA)
  * Pihlevar, Taher(Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and
    Technology, Teheran, Iran)
  * Pirrelli, Vito (ILC, Pisa, Italy)
  * Purver, Matthew (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
  * Ramisch, Carlos (LIS, AMU, Marseille, France)
  * Rosso, Paolo (NLEL, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
  * Sahlgren, Magnus (SICS, Rise AI, Sweden)
  * Santus, Enrico (CSAIL, MIT, Boston, USA)
  * Shams, Zohreh (Computer Laboratory - University of Cambridge, UK)
  * Stella, Massimo (Complex Science Consulting, Lecce, Italy)
  * Storms, Gert (Experimental Psychology, Leuven, Belgium)
  * Strapparava, Carlo (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy)
  * Sun Weiwei (Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Peking
    University, China)
  * Tokunaga, Takenobu (TITECH, Tokyo, Japan)
  * Tsuji, Junichi (Artificial Intelligence Research Center of AIST,
    Tokyo, Japan)
  * Tufis, Dan (RACAI, Bucharest, Romania)
  * Wan, Mingyu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
  * Wehbe, Leila (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
  * Widdows Dominic (Microsoft, Washington, USA)
  * Wilks Yorick (Oxford Research Institute, UK)
  * Zock, Michael (CNRS, LIS-AMU, Marseille, France)

  6Contact Information

e-mail: michael.zock at lis-lab.fr <mailto:michael.zock at lis-lab.fr>

Homepage: http://pageperso.lif.univ-mrs.fr/~michael.zock/ 

Phone (France): +33 951-899-707

       Skype: mikazock

To be sure to have the most recent information, check with the 
workshop’s homepage 


Michael ZOCK

Directeur de Recherche Émérite
LIS UMR CNRS 7020 (Groupe TALEP)
Aix Marseilly Université
163 Avenue de Luminy - case 901

F-13288 Marseille/France

Mail: michael.zock at lis-lab.fr
Tel.:  +33 (0)

Secr.: +33 (0)
        +33 (0)




Michael ZOCK

Directeur de Recherche Émérite
LIS UMR CNRS 7020 (Groupe TALEP)
Aix Marseilly Université
163 Avenue de Luminy - case 901

F-13288 Marseille/France

Mail: michael.zock at lis-lab.fr
Tel.:  +33 (0)

Secr.: +33 (0)
        +33 (0)



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