[AISWorld] CfP: DEClarative, DECision and Hybrid approaches to processes (DEC2H) workshop

Claudio Di Ciccio claudio.di.ciccio at wu.ac.at
Tue Mar 19 06:28:20 EDT 2019


   Call for Papers

   DEC2H 2019
    7th International Workshop on
    DEClarative, DECision and Hybrid approaches to processes
    (formerly known as DeHMiMoP)

   Vienna, Austria, 2 September 2019
    Co-located with the 17th Int. Conference on Business Process 
Management (BPM)



In this workshop, we are interested in the application and challenges of 
decision-based, rule-based and hybrid modelling in all phases of the BPM 
lifecycle (identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation 
and monitoring).

Important Dates

- Papers submission deadline: May 24, 2019
- Notification: June 28, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline: July 12, 2019
- Workshop: September 2, 2019


Processes and business process models involve rules and decisions 
describing the premises and possible outcomes of specific situations. 
However, rules and decisions are often implicit in process flows, 
process activities or in the head of employees (tacit knowledge). To 
make them explicit, they must be discovered using state-of-art 
techniques. For knowledge-intensive processes, it is common that rules 
and decisions, as opposed to the process-flow, define the allowed 
behaviour of a process. For example, the major purpose of an insurance 
claim process is to ensure that the rules governing the claim are being 
followed and to arrive at a final decision.

While traditional imperative notations such as BPMN excel at describing 
"happy paths", they are inadequate for directly modelling rules and 
decisions. Imperative describe possible behaviour as alternative, 
restricted flows. But encompassing all possible variations makes 
imperative models cluttered and thus impractical in highly flexible 
scenarios. Against this background, a new declarative modelling paradigm 
has been proposed that aims to directly capture the business rules or 
constraints underlying the process. The approach has gained momentum, 
and in recent years several declarative notations have emerged, e.g., 
Declare, DCR Graphs, DMN, GSM and eCRG. Lately, there has been a rapidly 
growing interest in hybrid approaches, which combine the strengths of 
different modelling paradigms.

In this workshop, we are interested in the application and challenges of 
decision- and rule-based modelling in all phases of the BPM lifecycle: 
identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation and 
monitoring. Contributions may include completed work (research, case 
studies and tools), but also work-in-progress and position papers.
The purpose of the workshop is:
- To examine the relationship between rules, decisions and processes, 
including models; not only to model the process, but also to model the 
rules and decisions.
- To enhance rule and decision mining based on process data (e.g. event 
- To examine decision goals, structures, and their connection with 
business processes, in order to find a good integration between rule- 
and decision-based modelling and flow-based modelling.
- To examine standards (DMN, CMMN, BPMN) and their integration.
- To study how different process models can be designed to fit a 
decision process, according to various optimization criteria, such as 
throughput time, use of resources, etc.
- To study the integration of different modelling paradigms.
- To show best practices in separating process, rule and decision 

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Declarative and hybrid (process modelling) approaches
- Declarative notations (Declare, DCR Graphs, GSM, eCRG, ...)
- Decision & goal notations (DMN, PDM, ...)
- Case management notations (CMMN, ...)
- Hybrid notations
- Declarative and hybrid modelling methodologies
- Process metrics
- Process maintenance and flexibility
- Human-centred and flexible processes
- Decision rules and processes
- Decision models and structures
- Formal analysis (e.g. expressiveness proofs) of declarative and hybrid 
- Formal verification (e.g. model-checking and static analysis) of 
declarative and hybrid models
- Run-time adaptation of declarative and hybrid process models

Decision mining and declarative/hybrid process mining
- Decision mining
- Declarative process mining
- Hybrid process mining
- Data mining for decision and declarative/hybrid process analysis
- Rule mining for decision and declarative/hybrid process analysis

Applications of decision- and rule-modelling in BPM
- Goal-driven processes
- Knowledge-intensive processes
- Business process compliance
- Knowledge workflow management
- Usability and understandability studies
- Case studies
- Tools

Format of the Workshop

The workshop will begin with a keynote, followed by presentations of 
accepted papers. Full papers have 20 minutes for their presentations and 
10 minutes for discussion and Q&A. Short papers have 15 + 5 minutes. At 
the end of the workshop, there will be a closing panel discussion.

Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least three program committee 
members guaranteeing that only papers presenting high-quality work and 
innovative research in areas relevant to the workshop theme will be 

All accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. They will 
be distributed electronically on USB sticks. The post-proceedings will 
be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information 
Processing (LNBIP) series, in a single volume dedicated to the 
proceedings of all BPM workshops. During a time window after the 
conference the workshop participants will be granted the free download 
of the papers.


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on any of the topics of 
the workshop. Only papers in English will be considered. Submitted 
papers must present original research contributions not concurrently 
submitted elsewhere. Submissions must be prepared according to the 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format specified by Springer 
(see instructions [1]). The title page must contain a short abstract and 
a list of keywords, preferably using the list of topics given above. 
Papers must be submitted electronically via EasyChair [2]: enter the 
main conference installation (BPM 2019) and select "Workshop on 
DEClarative, DECision and Hybrid approaches to processes" as the 
submission track.

At least one author of each accepted manuscript must register for the 
workshop and present the paper.

[2] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpm2019

Special Issue

Depending on their quality, the authors of selected papers in DEC2H will 
be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their work for a 
special issue in the Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS), edited by 
Springer [3]. The special issue is organised together with the chairs of 
the Workshop on Process Querying (PQ), held in conjunction with BPM 


Program Committee

- Andrea Burattin, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Josep Carmona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- João Costa Seco, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Massimiliano de Leoni, Eindhoven University of Technology, The 
- Riccardo De Masellis, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Johannes De Smedt, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Jochen De Weerdt, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Robert Golan, DBmind Technologies Inc., United States
- María Teresa Gómez-López, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
- Xunhua Guo, Tsinghua University, China
- Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Amin Jalali, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
- Krzysztof Kluza, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Fabrizio M. Maggi, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Andrea Marrella, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Jorge Munoz-Gama, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Artem Polyvyanyy, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Hajo A. Reijers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Stefan Schönig, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- Lucinéia H. Thom, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Han van der Aa, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
- Barbara Weber, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Wil M.P. van der Aalst, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Mathias Weske, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 


- Claudio Di Ciccio, WU Vienna, Austria
- Søren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Tijs Slaats, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Jan Vanthienen, KU Leuven, Belgium


Web: https://ai.wu.ac.at/dec2h2019/
Email: DEC2H2019 at ai.wu.ac.at

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