[AISWorld] CFP - SI - Dark Side of IT / Journal of IT Case and Application Research

Bansal, Gaurav bansalg at uwgb.edu
Sun Jul 7 12:24:10 EDT 2019

Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR) invites articles for its special issue on the dark side of information technology.
The impact of IT could be witnessed in every academic discipline, and every sphere of life, including work, home, school & college, and everything in between. IT has aided in productivity and made our lives much easier. Modern IT has enabled global communications, real-time data and info sharing, information storage and retrieval, analytics which have led to cost efficiency, ease of access to information, better communication techniques, and better learning techniques to name a few. Erik Brynjolfsson, in his book Second Age, talks about the work, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies. However, not all impact of IT has been positive though. Cathy O' Neil and Victoria Eurobanks in their books Weapons of Math Destruction, and Automating Inequality respectively, bring up the issue of how deep learning algorithms that are used in almost all business are far from transparent, they are essentially opaque making the explanation of the AI decisions almost impossible. Recent research shows how IT is disturbing the work-life balance and is adversely impacting health. Peter Townsend, in his book The Dark Side of Technology, lists several disturbing IT trends, including technology-driven social isolation and loss of languages induced by the use of IT, among others. IT has simplified life but has also created a degree of mindlessness, as well as providing new avenues for cybercrime, making it particularly easy for our distracted population to fall in the trap.  Where IT helps by storage and retrieval, it also hurts when it denies us the right to be forgotten (George Brock in The Right to be Forgotten). Ford, in his book The Rise of the Robots, talks about how IT and robotics, in particular, could lead to mass unemployment. So, it is hardly any more debatable that IT has both positive and negative aspects, which impact us in all spheres and disciplines of life. This special issue will provide a forum for researchers worldwide to present for publication a wide range of social and ethical issues related to the dark side of information technology such as:

  *   AI and rise of the robots
  *   Ethical perspectives
  *   Work-life balance
  *   Transparency and corruption
  *   Cyberbullying
  *   Computer Addiction
  *   Fake news
  *   Plagiarism
  *   Language loss
  *   Crime and Terrorism
  *   Isolation
  *   Mindfulness and Mindlessness
  *   Health and fitness
  *   Cross-cultural social/ethical IT issues
  *   Dark Internet
  *   Cyber War
  *   Dependence
  *   IT Failure Risks
  *   Privacy issues - such as the right to be forgotten

This special issue also welcomes Teaching Case articles describing certain contemporary methods of teaching IT cases that engage students in realistic scenarios pertaining to the negative impacts of IT.  Such Teaching Case articles must be accompanied by a Research Note and a Teaching Note.

Submission guidelines

All submitted papers must be written in English and must contain only original work, which has not been published by, or is currently under review for, any other journal, conference, symposium, or workshop. Manuscripts should explicitly state what is unique and valuable about the paper within the context of the special issue theme.

Please submit the manuscripts to the special issue editor by the due dates following guidelines in the Instructions for Authors<https://tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=utca20&page=instructions&utm_source=CPB&utm_medium=cms&utm_campaign=JOF09952>.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: November 1, 2019

First Round Decision: January 15, 2020

Revision Due: March 15, 2020

Final Decision: April 1, 2020

Publication: May 15, 2020
For more info visit: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/dark-side-information-technology/?utm_source=CPB_think&utm_medium=cms&utm_campaign=JOF09952

Gaurav Bansal, Ph.D.
Frederick E. Baer Professor in Business and Professor of MIS / Statistics
Sr Editor - Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (Taylor & Francis<https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/utca20/current>)
At-Large Director, Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS<https://mwais.org/>)
Founding Academic Director & Former Chair - Master of Science in Data Science
Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, UW-Green Bay

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