[AISWorld] InPractice - November installment

Galletta, Dennis GALLETTA at pitt.edu
Mon Dec 9 15:55:17 EST 2019

Dear Colleague,

I'm happy to announce four new practitioner-targeted article reports added to InPractice. They were meant to appear at the end of November but things became a bit too hectic.

Once again I've been very happy with the quality of the initial submissions to InPractice. Others have stated repeatedly that academics cannot write practitioner report summaries and I'm finding that to be too pessimistic of a statement. Sure, we do find the need to edit the submissions from time to time, but the content is usually about 95% the same in the edited published reports. Bravo to the submitters so far!

Stay tuned for exciting announcements about InPractice at, and following, ICIS in Munich. I mentioned that these were forthcoming in the coming weeks, and we are nearly ready to announce.

But currently I'd like to do two things:

1.       I invite you to write a summary of a paper that has been published in an AIS journal in the last 90 days according to the following formatting rules. The best drafts contain three headings:

The Problem (most often a paragraph or, preferably, bullet points)
Summary (best as bullet points)
Take-Aways (best as bullet points)

The best length is from 200 to 250 words, although we have gone slightly over or slightly under. We have potential legal implications if they go over 300 words.

Please mail your submissions directly to me.

2.       Please have a look at the new reports, available at https://aisnet.org/blogpost/1706903/AIS-InPractice.

The Role of Knowledge Management in the Relationship between IT Capability and Interorganizational Performance - An Empirical Investigation
By Antonis Stylianou, Chandrasekar Subramaniam, Yuan Niu

Blockchain for the IoT: Privacy-Preserving Protection of Sensor Data
By Mathieu Chanson, Andreas Bogner, Dominik Bilgeri, Elgar Fleisch, Felix Wortmann

The Magical "We": Enhancing Collaboration Transparency in Grounded Theory Method in Information Systems Research
By Samuli Pekkola, Matti Rossi and Kari Smolander

User Satisfaction with Information Systems: A Comprehensive Model of Attribute-level Satisfaction
By Reza Vaezi, Annette Mills, and Wynne Chin


Dennis F. Galletta                      Professor of Business Administration
University of Pittsburgh                     Director, Katz Doctoral Program
282a Mervis Hall                                          AIS LEO and Fellow
Phone +1 412-648-1699                       Katz Graduate School of Business
Fax +1 412-624-3633                                    Pittsburgh, PA  15260
E-mail: galletta @ pitt.edu                 homepage: www.pitt.edu/~galletta<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fwww.pitt.edu%2F~galletta&data=01%7C01%7Cgalletta%40katz.pitt.edu%7C6c38ed63ff2044c895ff08d59e9c6746%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1&sdata=mn%2FzK1thKeKZbxjEYBTPliXPQVEgsHl%2FsmrE3YU9V6g%3D&reserved=0>

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