[AISWorld] AIS Doctoral Student College Mentoring and Networking Sessions Survey

Jessica Pye Jessica.Pye at asu.edu
Thu Sep 24 23:07:06 EDT 2020

Hello Doctoral Students!

We are thrilled to have the newly formed Doctoral Student College<https://communities.aisnet.org/doctoralstudentcollege/home> working for you!
As part of the many initiatives we have planned, we are happy to announce the launching of a mentorship program.

Given the global pandemic, we are looking into holding two virtual networking and mentoring sessions (one in October 2020 and another in March 2021). These sessions will be similar to the faculty roundtables that we have provided at the AMCIS and ICIS Doctoral Student Corners. This is a group mentorship arrangement where one or two faculty members are asked to provide advice to multiple doctoral students.

Please fill out the following survey by September 30, so we can get an approximate head count for the events. We would love to hear your feedback on this new initiative or any ideas you may have so the college may better serve you!

Click here to take the survey!<https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jsRlTv0BAq8eeV>

- The Doctoral Student College
Your gateway to the AIS Community

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