[AISWorld] Call for participation: AMCIS 2021 Social Project

Lakshmi Iyer iyerls at appstate.edu
Thu Jan 7 16:50:52 EST 2021

Dear Colleagues:

Wish you all a very happy, safe, and healthy 2021!

Suchit Ahuja and I are serving as co-chairs of the AMCIS 2021 Social
  This initiative is not geared towards raising money for a cause but
focused on what we do; developing technology-based solutions for issues
affecting businesses and communities in the AMCIS conference home city -
Montreal for 2021.

We invite all AIS members and their students to participate in this
exciting and forward-looking Social Project. We have identified two
potential beneficiaries of this initiative. They are:

1.     Recreotherapy

2.     Women on the Rise

Prizes will be awarded to the top team(s) identified by the project
liaisons (amount/details to be announced soon). To sign-up, please review
this 2021 AMCIS Social Project Sign-up
that provides the timeline and instructions. We will be glad to answer any
questions you might have.

Thanks so much for your interest and participation.


Lakshmi and Suchit

Project Co-Chairs

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