[AISWorld] Call for Papers: DISE 2021 - Track on Data-Driven Software Engineering

Denisse Muñante denisseal82 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 10:21:08 EDT 2021

*DISE21: Data-Driven Software Engineering*
Lima-Peru, October 28-30, 2021

Software engineering is the application of engineering techniques and
methods to software development. It is gaining more and more importance in
research; first-tier international conference series such as ICSE, FSE, ASE
and ESEM offer dedicated venues for discussing research advancements in
software engineering. Thanks to the era of data, software engineering has
gained ground in many fields, introducing new technologies to support most
human activities, from housework to the military.

The DISE track  <https://simbig.org/SIMBig2021/en/dise.html>aims to provide
an open forum for researchers, practitioners and educators in Peru and
Latin America i) to discuss their current work on data-driven software
engineering ii) to share experiences on the usage of data science methods
and tools in solving software engineering problems and iii) to identify the
main challenges on knowledge transfer between data science and software
engineering communities.

*Submission Guidelines*
All research submissions must be in English. Submissions must be in PDF,
formatted with the Springer Publications format. For details on the
Springer style, see here
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dise21

*Important Dates*

   - Papers submission deadline: August 07, 2021
   - Notification of acceptance: September 24, 2021
   - Camera-ready versions and Early bird registration: October 23, 2021
   - Fully virtual conference: October 28 - 30, 2021

*List of Topics*

   - Econometrics and machine learning in software engineering
   - Model-driven software engineering for exploiting users and contextual
   - Data-driven software evolution and maintenance
   - Data-driven software adaptation
   - Data exploitation for self-* (self-healing, self-adaptation,
   self-protection, etc.) systems
   - Privacy issues of IoT frameworks or software intensive systems
   - Data-driven software testing
   - Data-driven requirement engineering
   - Affective software engineering
   - Data exploitation for educational software engineering
   - Crowdsourcing for Software Engineering
   - Ethical issues on data collection and exploitation
   - Platforms and Infrastructure for data-driven software engineering
   - Design patterns for data-driven software engineering
   - Non-functional aspects of Big Data processing
   - Data analysis and exploitation for Software Sustainability
   - Green Information Technology
   - Quality attributes of Software Architectures
   - Incorporating Human Computer Interaction models, methods and tools
   - Requirements engineering for interactive systems
   - Engineering user experience
   - Specification of interactive systems (methods, principles and tools)

*Organizing committee*

   - Denisse Muñante, IMT Télécom SudParis, denisseal82 at gmail.com
   - Carlos Gavidia-Calderon, The Open University, c.gavidia at cs.ucl.ac.uk
   - Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas,
   pcsijord at upc.edu.pe

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