[AISWorld] CFP: Short Contributions for ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022)

Tony Belpaeme (UGent-imec) Tony.Belpaeme at UGent.be
Wed Sep 22 17:10:48 EDT 2021

Short Contributions for ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022)

The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction is a premier, highly-selective venue presenting the latest advances in Human-Robot Interaction. The 17th Annual HRI conference theme is "Breaking Boundaries."

This year, in order to foster Open Science best practices, the HRI conference is accepting for the first time Short Contributions (4 pages, excluding references), focused on Replication studies and Code and Dataset sharing.
Similarly to the HRI Full papers, HRI Short Contributions will be fully and rigorously reviewed, and will be archived in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates
October 15, 2021 (11:59pm AoE): Submission Deadline
November 5, 2021: Review Notification, Rebuttal Period Begins
November 12, 2021: Rebuttal Period Ends
November 23, 2021: Decision Notification
January 5, 2022: Camera-ready Papers Due
March 7-10, 2022: Conference

HRI 2022 Short Contributions Submission Themes
To facilitate quality interdisciplinary reviewing, and to inform reviewer selection, authors will be required to select a submission category for their short contribution. Given that this is the first time we are opening a Short Contributions Track, we have selected two categories:

Replication study
Replication studies report on reproducing previous published results, positive or negative. Reviewers of these submissions will be asked to focus on priority on (1) scientific rigor, (2) importance of the replicated study/results to the field.

Relation to Full paper HRI themes:

Replication studies which significantly expand onto the original research (e.g. add a new condition) and warrant a full-length paper might instead be submitted as a regular full paper to the THEORY AND METHODS IN HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION theme.

Code and Dataset
These submissions will be centered around a software and/or a dataset of significance to the community. The software and/or dataset has to be open-source/open-access at time of review, and will be assessed for documentation and accessibility as part of the review process. Reviewers will be asked to focus on priority on (1) relevance, (2) novelty, (3) ease of access & use (including documentation).

In specific cases (e.g. dataset with privacy-sensitive data), the code or dataset might not be directly downloadable. In this case, the authors must outline in their submission reasonable steps for other researchers to access the data (e.g. ask for specific ethical approval).

Note that software or dataset which cannot be shared due to intellectual property issues (including using proprietary licensing) cannot be submitted.

Relation to existing HRI themes:

Code and dataset papers can be submitted to the HRI Technical Advances track already. However, the Code and Datasets track has a narrower focus, offering an avenue to present and publish software or datasets that would be useful/important to the community as standalone contributions.

Format and Submission
Short Contributions submissions are limited to four pages of content excluding references. Longer submissions will be desk rejected and not reviewed. The HRI conference is highly selective with a rigorous, two-stage review model that includes an expert program committee meeting where papers are extensively discussed. As such, all Short Contributions submissions are expected to be mature, polished, and detailed accounts of cutting-edge research described and presented in camera-ready style. In cases of equally qualified papers, positive consideration will be given to submissions that address this year's theme, "Breaking Boundaries."

Short Contributions papers must be submitted via PCS in PDF format and conform to IEEE Proceedings specifications. <https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html> Templates are available at this link (US letter)<https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html>. In addition, the IEEE has partnered with Overleaf, where you can start writing <https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/ieee-official> using this link<https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/ieee-official> directly.
The review process is double blind, thus every aspect of all submissions must be properly anonymized (see the <https://humanrobotinteraction.org/2022/guidelines-for-anonymizing-submissions/> anonymization guidelines<https://humanrobotinteraction.org/2022/guidelines-for-anonymizing-submissions/>). Any submission that contains any element that violates the anonymization guidelines will be desk rejected.

Accepted Short Contribution papers will be published in a "Short Contributions Proceedings" (alongside the HRI Full papers) and presented during the conference as a poster or a short pre-recorded video presentation.

As for the Full Papers submissions, authors will be expected to review up to three Short Contributions submissions.

Séverin Lemaignan (PAL Robotics, Spain)
Raquel Ros (La Salle-Ramon Llull University, Spain)

Contact: shorts2022 at humanrobotinteraction.org<mailto:shorts2022 at humanrobotinteraction.org>

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