[AISWorld] AMCIS 2022 CFP - Digital Government and Civic Engagement

Vikas Jain VJAIN at ut.edu
Mon Jan 24 11:41:34 EST 2022

AMCIS 2022 CFP - Mini-track: Digital Government and Civic Engagement

Minneapolis August 10-14, 2022
Mini-track: Digital Government and Civic Engagement
Track: Digital Government (SIG EGOV)

The emergence of newer technologies such as smart devices, artificial intelligence (AI), social media, or Internet of Things (IoT) has redefined how the governments across the world deliver services to their citizens. The governments are rapidly transforming public services offered to various stakeholders by leveraging these new technologies, thereby becoming more agile in responding to citizens’ needs. Further, these technologies have empowered citizens to engage in democratic processes in a manner rarely seen before such as mobilizing other citizens on key political issues through social media or increased electoral participation through e-voting. Some of these technologies led by artificial intelligence have also enabled governments to understand citizens’ behavior better. 

The objective of this mini track is to provide a forum for discussion and presentation of original research highlighting the role of newer digital technologies like smart devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) in shaping the technical, organizational, managerial and socio-economic aspects of public services offered by governments around the world.  The mini track also aims to enable discussion on new and emerging models of citizens’ empowerment and civic engagement through the use of these technologies

Mini-track topics are therefore focused on but not limited to the following list.

1. Use of smart devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) in delivering e-services
2. Impact of social media on civic engagement and democratic processes
3. E-voting and new modes of citizens’ participation in electoral process
4. Case studies of new civic and democratic engagement models/frameworks in the digital age
5. Civic engagement challenges in digital age 
6. Evaluation models for assessing the impact of newer information technologies on civic and democratic processes
7. Data analytics strategies to expand e-government and services
8. Information bias and its impact on civic and democratic processes
9. Rumors and fake news in the digital age and its impact on democratic outcomes
10. Risks, concerns and ethics in relation to the use of smart devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

Mini-track co-chairs:
Vikas Jain, University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida, USA, 
vjain at ut.edu

Dapeng Liu, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
dapeng.liu at unsw.edu.au

We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the minitrack co-chairs.

Important Dates:
January 15, 2022              PCS opens for submissions
March 1, 2022  		 PCS closes for full papers and ERFs
March 8, 2022   		Full papers and ERFs are assigned to reviewers
March 25, 2022 	Paper reviews are due
April 15, 2022		Review decisions are sent to authors

Submission Instructions: https://amcis2022.aisconferences.org/submissions/call-for-papers/

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