[AISWorld] Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity at the University of Ottawa

Lysanne Lessard lysanne.lessard at telfer.uottawa.ca
Tue Apr 19 16:07:27 EDT 2022

*** Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management***

The Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, the Bruyère Research Institute, and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship position, starting in September 2022, focusing on conceptual modeling for Learning Health Systems. Working under the supervision of Prof. Lysanne Lessard and part of the MiLHS Lab [1], the candidate will be expected to contribute to theoretical and methodological conceptual modeling research applied to the domain of health care. The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the RESPECT research network, which aims to improve end-of-life care through precision medicine. The RESPECT team has used routinely collected data to predict survival time for frail individuals [2]. This prediction algorithm powers an online tool [3] and is also being implemented throughout long-term care and retirement homes across Ontario, Canada. The successful candidate will be immersed in a rich interdisciplinary research environment providing exciting opportunities for research leadership and output.

**Basic Requirements:**
--PhD in Information Systems, Requirements Engineering, Health Informatics, Computer Science or related field
--Proven knowledge of conceptual modeling languages and health care as a domain
--Excellent writing skills, demonstrated publication record
--Ability to work independently and as part of a team
--Time management skills and ability to manage and prioritize multiple projects
--Superior communication skills with members of a multi-disciplinary team

**Preferred qualifications:**
--Demonstrated knowledge of individual and organizational learning theories
--Demonstrated knowledge of systems theories
--Experience with predictive modelling algorithms/tools
--Involvement in implementation and/or evaluation of health interventions

**Contract Details:**
This is a 1-year full-time position with the possibility of renewal. We offer a $50 000 CAD stipend.

**Contact Info:**
To apply, please send a cover letter and CV with the subject line “RESPECT Postdoctoral Fellow position” to Lysanne Lessard (Lysanne.lessard at telfer.uottawa.ca)

*We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those invited for an interview will be contacted. The University of Ottawa is an equal opportunity employer. Upon request, accommodations due to a disability are available throughout the selection process.*

[1] https://sites.telfer.uottawa.ca/milhs/
[2]<https://sites.telfer.uottawa.ca/milhs/recruitment/#_ftnref2> https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.200022
[3]<https://sites.telfer.uottawa.ca/milhs/recruitment/#_ftnref3> https://www.respect.projectbiglife.ca

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