[AISWorld] Submit by June 30th: Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize on Market Design

Martin Bichler bichler at in.tum.de
Fri Jun 24 23:53:29 EDT 2022


The INFORMS Auctions and Market Design (AMD) Section [1] is happy to 
announce the Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize. The 
prize recognizes the best paper by a junior researcher in the area of 
auctions and market design. The paper should provide an innovative 
approach to a realistic market-design problem, and should have potential 
impact for real-world market design. Judging criteria will include 
technical quality and richness of the solution approach and potential or 
demonstrated impact on practice. The first, second, and third prizes are 
awarded with a $500, $300, and $100 honorarium, respectively.

Eligibility Conditions:

  	* Entrant must be a current PhD student (enrolled on or after January 
1, 2022) or be a recent PhD graduate (with a PhD conferred no earlier 
than January 1, 2019).
  	* The submitted paper must present original research conducted 
primarily by the entrant. If the work includes co-authorship, co-authors 
must certify that the entrant's contribution was primary (not exceeded 
by another contributor).
  	* Research submitted should have been accepted for final publication 
at a refereed journal or at a reputable refereed conference.
  	* Entrant must be a member of the AMD Section on the date of 
  	* The paper must not have won a prize in a previous Rothkopf paper 
competition (first, second, or third place).
  	* An entrant may submit no more than one paper to the competition in 
any year.

Submission Requirements:

A complete entry consists of

  	* A pdf stating the entrant's contact information, the contact 
information of the entrant's co-authors, the paper title, and 
appropriate keywords for the submitted paper.
  	* The paper in a PDF file format, with a length of at most 32 pages 
including the tables, figures, and references, and strictly compliant 
with all submission formatting standards of the journal Management 
Science. There could be appendices beyond the 32-page limit but the 
judges are not responsible for covering those materials. The file name 
should be the short title of the paper.
  	* A pdf file of a letter signed by the entrant (and co-authors, if 
any) attesting that the entrant and the paper satisfy the eligibility 

Complete entries must be received on or before June 30, 2022, by email 
submission to the committee chair rothkopfprize at dss.in.tum.de, with 
subject line "Rothkopf Submission."

Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler

Vice Dean, Department of Computer Science
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49-89-289-17500

INFORMS Section on Auctions and Market Design [2]

DFG Research Training Group AdONE [3]
Handbook on Spectrum Auction Design [4]
Market Design: A Linear Programming Approach [5]

[1] https://connect.informs.org/auctionsandmarketdesign/awards
[2] https://connect.informs.org/auctionsandmarketdesign/home
[3] https://www.gs.tum.de/adone/start/

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