[AISWorld] Call for Participation- EUGLOH Workshop on Positive Technology for Health and Sustainability at ICIS 2022

Anuragini Shirish anuragini.shirish at imt-bs.eu
Tue Nov 8 10:16:33 EST 2022

Dear Members: 

It is our pleasure to host a workshop on Positive Technology for Health and Sustainability, sponsored by EUGLOH ( [ https://www.eugloh.eu/ | https://www.eugloh.eu/ ] ), University Paris Saclay to be held at ITU, Copenhagen on the 10th of December 2022, from 1.30 pm to 6 pm . 

This is an ancillary event to ICIS, 2022 and it is organized by IMT-BS & LITEM lab of the University of Paris Saclay, France in collaboration with EUGLOH consortium partners, Lund University, Sweden and LMU Munich, Germany organized by Dr. Anuragini Shirish, Dr. Saonee Sarker, and Dr. Johann Kranz. 

This workshop is designed to inform, enrich and co-construct a dialogue amongst researchers, users and designers of positive technology so we can move forward together towards a sustainable and resilient society. We invite applications from both experienced and novice researchers/industry actors working on health care, sustainability and technology aspects. Priority is provided to those applicants associated with one of the EUGLOH consortium partners. They include: Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Lund University (LU), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Universidade do Porto (UPorto), University of Szeged (USZ), University of Alcalá (UAH), Universität Hamburg (UHH), University of Novi Sad, Tromsø University - The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). 

The program consists of a design science tutorial by Dr. Ahmed Abbasi , University of Notre Dame, USA followed by participants working on a real-world problem faced by a health startup. 

We will end our workshop with a panel discussion on the topic of “What are the emerging challenges for societal well-being and sustainability? How can positive technology help (or hinder) in building a resilient society?” 

The panel members include: 

Dr. Monica Chiarini Tremblay , Raymond A. Mason School of Business, William & Mary, USA 

Dr. Mounir Mokhatari , Institut Mines-Telecom, France 

Dr. Stefan Seidel , University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein. 

More details on the event and the link for registration is accessible at [ https://forms.gle/zm5mPusiV5RX16fc7 | https://forms.gle/zm5mPusiV5RX16fc7 ] . Registration is open until slots are available. 

Attendance is restricted to 30 participants (physical presence). We will also attempt to share a part of the program virtually for those who would like to participate but cannot be physically present, however, this may be subject to logistic issues at the event site and is not ascertainable now. If you have any questions, kindly email us at [ mailto:positivetechnologyworkshop at gmail.com | positivetechnologyworkshop at gmail.com ] . We hope to respond to your application latest by December 3, 2022. 

There is no participation fee to attend the workshop. We request you not reserve a spot if you are unsure about your availability for the entire duration of the workshop . We would like the most motivated and available to have the opportunity to attend the event. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

Excited to see you all at ICIS 2022! 

Organizing Team/EUGLOH partners 

Dr. Anuragini Shirish, Associate Professor, IMT-BS, LITEM, University Paris Saclay 

Dr. Saonee Sarker, Professor, Lund University and London School of Economics 

Dr. Johann Kranz, Professor, LMU Munich 

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