[AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2023 mini-track "AI Agents" under Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Applications Track

Yuan, Lingyao [ISBA] lyuan at iastate.edu
Mon Jan 30 13:26:15 EST 2023

Call For Papers: 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2023)-Mini-track on AI Agents
For Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Applications Track
Americas Conference on Information Systems

AMCIS 2023: August 10-12, 2023| Panama City, Panama

Call for Papers

As technology advances in recent years, AI agents have been transforming the way we work, live, play, and learn. We are proposing this minitrack to bridge academic research with practitioner concerns to create synergy in promoting the creation and usage of AI agents. The focus of this mini-track is the design, adoption, and application of AI agents as well as the symbiotic relationships between AI agents and humans. AI agents in this context is a general term, which includes conversational AI agents (i.e. chatbots), voice agents (e.g. Amazon Alexa, Siri), digital human agents, and robotics. We want to emphasize the importance of investigating the behavioral and perception outcomes, uncovering the complicated interactive nature of the technology, the end user, the tasks, as well as the organizational environment, and opening the black box of the underlying cognitive processes undertaken by the end-user while interacting with AI agents.

We would like to position this mini-track as a place for researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to share their research and ideas. There are a variety of important issues and topics of importance, such as new technology and visual design advancements to digital humans, the behavioral, emotional, and even physical responses of the users while interacting with AI agents, and the underlying cognitive processes underlying the interactions. Research could be wide-ranging, such as rich descriptive statistics, theories, emergent and innovative topics, models and frameworks related to technologies and their impact on marketing, case studies, methods, qualitative research, etc. The topics include but are not limited to:

  *   Taxonomy of AI agents
  *   Voice agents and voice assistants
  *   Emerging AI technology (e.g., digital human, immersive interaction, metaverse)
  *   Novel applications of AI agents (e.g., Replika, entertainment, healthcare)
  *   Impact of conversational agents on the individual level (decision-making, problem-solving, negotiation, and creativity/innovation)
  *   Psychological and emotional effects of AI agents
  *   Biases in interacting with AI agents
  *   Case studies on the adoption of AI agents
  *   Social impact and ethics related to AI agents
  *   Philosophical questions and ethical considerations towards AI adoption and deployment

Fast Track Journal opportunity

Accepted submissions to this mini-track will have fast track opportunity to an AMCIS special issue at AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI).

Submission information and critical dates are available on the conference website at: https://amcis2023.aisconferences.org/submissions/call-for-papers/

Submissions are due by 10 am, EST on March 1, 2023.


Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan

Vibhanshu Abhishek

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