[AISWorld] AMCIS 2023, CFP - The Geospatial Realm

Farkas, Prof. Dan J. dfarkas at pace.edu
Thu Feb 23 10:52:45 EST 2023


Contribute your research to the SIGGIS Mini-Track at AMCIS 2023.

The Geospatial Realm: A Deep Dive

Today, researchers and practitioners alike are increasingly utilizing large, multi-scale, multi-temporal, and multi-dimensional geospatial data. In response, a rapidly expanding array of collaborative geospatial tools is being developed to help these users share data, code, and analytic results. Understanding how these various technologies and geospatial tools can support these collaborative efforts is a critical area of ongoing research. This mini-track will examine these activities and provide a research forum to discuss the varied aspects of geospatial-based analytics, geospatial data management, and geospatial problem-solving.

As such, papers are solicited across topics such as, but not limited to:

 *        Innovation and collaboration using geospatial platforms and analytics,
*         Geospatial AI with Machine Learning and Deep Learning,
*         Geospatial big data management and analytics,
*         Geospatial data mining and knowledge discovery,
*         Geospatial decision making and knowledge management, and
*         Emerging areas of geospatial analytics.

Mini-Track Chairs:

Daniel Farkas, Pace University, dfarkas at pace.edu<mailto:dfarkas at pace.edu>
Brian Hilton, Claremont Graduate University, Brian.Hilton at cgu.edu<mailto:Brian.Hilton at cgu.edu>
James B. Pick, University of Redlands, James_Pick at redlands.edu<mailto:James_Pick at redlands.edu>
Avijit Sarkar, University of Redlands, Avijit_Sarkar at redlands.edu<mailto:Avijit_Sarkar at redlands.edu>
Namchul Shin, Pace University, nshin at pace.edu<mailto:nshin at pace.edu>


Submission information at https://amcis2023.aisconferences.org/submissions/call-for-papers/

New this year - we will accept papers for in-person presentation as well as papers for virtual presentation. We still anticipate a strong in-person set of papers and vibrant experience, but we also want to encourage you to submit your best work even if you already know that you will not be able to be physically present. Authors of accepted virtual presentation papers will be provided an asynchronous platform for their work.

Mini-track chair contact for information:

     Brian Hilton, Claremont Graduate University, Brian.Hilton at cgu.edu<mailto:Brian.Hilton at cgu.edu>

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